FOWLR flow problem...


New member
How much flow do you need for a FOWLR tank? I have a major problem b/c everytime I put a power head in the tank my fish chew the wires! The other day my circuit popped b/c the fish chewed the wire bad enough to pass current through the tank! Thank god for the surge protector or my house may have burned down! The PH was bured up and the power strip it was one MELTED!

I've got a 215 gallon rectangular Oceanic tank. I've got the dual nozzle on the returns, but they don't push much water. I don't like "dead" water b/c then the junk just settles on all the rocks.

So how much flow do I need? And how should I go about getting it in the tank?
Wow, that is the first time I have ever heard of fish chewing wires in the tank, I have a 120gal FOWLR tank with a mag18 return pump and 3 powerheads equaling 600gph. So I guess I have a total of 2100gph in my tank. My tank used to have only a Mag 9.5 and now that I have a mag 18 the tank is doing way better I don't have dead spots and my fish love the flow plus my tank has less particulate suspended in the water column. You might want to get a GFCI it will protect you better, a surge protecter like the name implies protects the stuff plugged in from a surge from your power lines i.e. lightning a surge protecter is practically useless without a GFCI.