Frag install unto rock.


New member
Wondering how many of you guys take the coral off the frag plug when permanently placing. Some of my frags are on the quarter size plates. Doesn't
Blend Into the rock work. Any tips?
I always take them off. Just take a razor or very fine tip small flat head screwdriver and pop it off before gluing it down. I usually glue them to a small rock then secure that rock in the tank.
Yep, I leave them on plugs for a couple of days/weeks to see where the coral likes it best in the tank, and once adjusted, just pop them off the plug and glue in desired place. I use the BSI glue, and as long as you use a good amount, it won't harden before you get the coral where you want it.
yea i rather it be on a rock myself but i wouldnt try to take it off depends what kind of frag it is acans i definitely wouldnt touch those.
zoas always on the plug. cant tell once it spreads and you can remove the plug once they spread and start a new colony. most other corals i take off except some chalices
I just use cheap super glue (gel) from the dollar store. It's easier for me to move the frag later on if I need to for any reason.