FRAG Mini Swap Meeting at Pranksters - June 20th


AZ FRAG President
Sorry for getting this up so late. But it's already that time. This Month we are trying something new and will be having a Mini Swap. Bring your corals, bring fish, bring equipment and most importantly bring your selves. This will be a great chance to clean out the garage or in my case, my "spare bedroom" and get rid of that clutter that you keep kidding your self. No you are not going to use it someday! Sell/trade it to someone who can!

Even though we do have more space at Prankster I do have to set some boundaries on what you can bring.

Yes you can bring!
-Coral frags (obviously)
-Fish (That are well supplied to go on a several hour trip. And be realistic, no sharks.)
-Inverts (Again be realistic. No Blue Ring Octopus)
-Equipment (See the Don't Do for what is going too far)
-Aquariums (empty up to what can be carried in by an average single person)

Don't bring :(
-Sick Corals (I guess you can but know one is going to want that. Quarantine!)
-Sick Fish (ditto)
-Other non marine pets (unless you legally need it you assist you in life)
-Large Equipment (If it is too big or heavy your grandmother could not pick it up then make the deal there and meet each other in the lot or somewhere else)
-Big Aquarium ( just like the equipment I would say nothing bigger than a 30 gallon)
-Live Rock (Live rock is live rock. Don't waste time bring it in just to bring it back out of the meeting)
-Anything non-reef aquarium related. (No Beanie Babys or Fake Rolexs. Reef Aquarium stuff only!)

If you are not sure about anything else, please ask in this thread.

Time: Saturday June 20th 2:00PM to 4:00PM

Place: Panksters Too 7919 E Thomas Rd #101, Scottsdale, AZ 85251

If you want to sell you, must be a F.R.A.G. member. It't only $10 a year and you can sign up there. Bring cash, post what you have for sale in this thread, and post the things you might be looking for to trade.

Buyers are free (Although we appreciate you buying a membership and supporting F.R.A.G. :lol2:). If you want to hold something you must tell the seller and be committed to the sale. If you do not show up PLEASE contact the seller. They will not hesitate to sell or trade your item.

And of course RAFFLES. There will be an assortment of raffles through out the day. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5.

See you all Saturday!
Ill update this list over the next day or two as I find more stuff.....

55g long aquarium(will only bring if spoken for before meeting and will do car to car in the lot)
~30g hex(will post dimensions)
10g standard
NextReef SMR1 reactor(no pump, just cleaned)

Coral TBA
I have power heads, air pumps and filters available. I have a list already made for the power heads and filters.
I also have :
3 gallon tank
5 gallon tank
10 gallon tank
20 gallon tank set up with a brand new stand
29 gallon tank
20 extra tall tank
I have two used wp25 wave makers I'll be bringing.

Also if anyone is interested in a flame angel, I can bring him too.
The Hex tank I have is 17"wide and 23" tall, brown trim. - $25

Also have another 10g tank that is ready to go for a freshwater or QT setup.
Std 10g tank, hood that takes (2) 4" tubular bulbs(up to 25w), small HOB filter, 1 fake plant, 1 freshwater fixture with built in airstone strip, only thing you would need to add is a small heater if need be - $20

other prices for what I listed...
std 10g bare - $10(will see if I can find a small HOB filter to throw in)
55g long tank - $45
NextReef SMR1 - $75

No coral this time, still growing new pieces out.
I have an eshopps r-200 I can bring. Looking to get $100

Also have an rbta about 6". Only will bring if someone wants it. $40
I am on the hunt for a small AIO tank and an Apex... If anybody has anything that fits the bill let me know.... Thanks!

Btw, I have seen two times on FB. 11:00am and what time is it?
No claims on the bigger tanks so Ill just be bringing the 10g setup, reactor and any other small stuff I can find, see everyone there.
I'm headed out, see you all there. Check google for directions if you are taking the 101. There's a few ramps that are closed still. (I thought I left long drawn out road construction when I moved from Michigan.)

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