frag packs


New member
hi everyone. i am new to this reef central. still figuring out everything on it. lots of info from what i have seen. pretty cool. well, i am looking for some acros and monti packs. i ordered a 5a pack from worldwide corals a month ago amd like what they sent me but trying to see if anyone on here has any packs for sale or knows a good fair price place that sells some nice ones. thanks. mike
The classified section always has people with good stuff. I believe you have to get your post count up to get in there but I am not sure what the regulations are anymore.
Also check out the hometown forums and/or get involved with your local club. Always nice to meet a local reefer, see their tank, and you usually get a much better deal on frags. Once your tank is more established, you can trade as well. Reefers are a good group of people in general. You'll find guys that will give you frags of run of the mill stuff (caps, birdsnest, slimer) for next to nothing.
i been trying to find a group near me. everytime i click on one, it seems it is old and gone idk i am gonna ask the main guy at my fish store where i can get into a group or find local sellers around here too thanks
Also check out the hometown forums and/or get involved with your local club. Always nice to meet a local reefer, see their tank, and you usually get a much better deal on frags. Once your tank is more established, you can trade as well. Reefers are a good group of people in general. You'll find guys that will give you frags of run of the mill stuff (caps, birdsnest, slimer) for next to nothing.

Couldn't agree more.

Also beware hyperbole, silly names, blue lit frags that look different under normal lights, etc. Today's rare $500 frag is tomorrows common $50 frag.