Frag swap & club questions


Active member
First question is how much will it be to go in the frag swap?
Second question is how much is the family membership to the club at this time of the year?

The frag swap is free to all paid members. Anyone who isn't a paid memeber needs to become one in order to be admitted. :D

I'll be posting a separate thread with information later today, and I'll try to get the moderators to sticky it.
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Yesterday my wife hands me an envelope and says "this was returned to you". I look and its adressed to FMAS and think "when the heck did i send them something???". I open it and its my membership application and $20 check for last year. I looked at the postmark and it was June 17, 2007 and marked" return to sender, no known address".

Dang post office! I take back all the secret thoughts i had about the FMAS when they told me they never got my application or check:o

Think i'll pay in person at the swap this year!;)
We (Pedro, Randy, and I) are looking into setting up an online registration using paypal through our website. We're hoping to get this up soon so we don't have to process everyone manually. If we're able to get that working and tested sufficiently, you will hear about it as soon as it's made available.

sufunk, can you send me the address on the letter that was returned? I'd like to pass your story on to the rest of the board, if you don't mind.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11779270#post11779270 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffbrig
We (Pedro, Randy, and I) are looking into setting up an online registration using paypal through our website. We're hoping to get this up soon so we don't have to process everyone manually. If we're able to get that working and tested sufficiently, you will hear about it as soon as it's made available.

sufunk, can you send me the address on the letter that was returned? I'd like to pass your story on to the rest of the board, if you don't mind.

No problem, it should still be on my counter at home. When i get home i'll post the address. It SHOULD be the address that i got from the website but i didnt check to make sure that I didnt screw it up and make a mistake.
n how much is it guna cost? btw im looking for the cost for me n my girl so ill need the family price
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11779922#post11779922 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sufunk
No problem, it should still be on my counter at home. When i get home i'll post the address. It SHOULD be the address that i got from the website but i didnt check to make sure that I didnt screw it up and make a mistake.

Well, dont think it was me:) I'm looking at the envelope now.

I sent it to:
po box 121256
Fort lauderdale, fl 33312

It was postmarked 19 jun 07. It has the yellow sticker on it from 1/31/08 saying "return to sender, attempted-not known, unable to forward":confused:

Not sure what happened or why it took 7 months to get back to me????