Frag Swap Sat. Sept. 15th

I think this location sounds perfect. Not only is it a great place to have our meet but it also gives me a reason to go and try some good brew. Tangman, A++ from me!
Are we going to be able to use this location for the Sept. 15th meet?

I am also available for Sunday.
Tang for PRES....

I think its great we are trying to make this happen on a reg. basis and at a real place, not someones home.

Anyone else thinking of going to the bookman meeting? Kentanner posted about it.
I am all for what Kentanner is trying to do, however, I'm not really sure what we would be doing there considering we cant trade/sell.
LOL, thanks Vince! :p Im just trying to help us all out by getting things organized. ;)

I will be contacting TCB Friday afternoon/ Saturday morning to solidify some days, dates and times and can let everyone know ahead of time. Anyone with any suggestions, feel free to pass 'em my way so we can make this a combined effort. I know Tommy has Sept 15th reserved out, but we may have to switch to Sept 16th, is this alright?

At this point, it looks as though Sundays are going to be the best days to have swaps based on location so if anyone has objections, now is the time to post them. So far it seems as though the people who have responded dont mind Sundays or location. If for some reason you object and dont want to post but would rather PM me, feel free to do so and I will keep everything anonymous.

I dont know if I will attend the meeting Kentanner set up only because there is no agenda as of yet. While I applaud his efforts, there really is no reason why we cant do the same thing at the Frag swaps. Ken, feel free to PM me to see what we can do to add your ideas to the swap agendas.

I can do either day, but I recall that we have always leaned at doing the event on Sunday in the past with attendance in the 15-20 people range. Plus, several people missed the last event because they thought it would be on Sunday.

I think it would be a good idea to collect a list of email addresses and phone numbers at the next few events. Not everyone checks this board on a regular basis, so adding more ways to communicate event dates will also improve attendance.


Excellant idea Scott, If we can collect e-mail addresses here (they can be P.M.'d) and at the next event we can distribute to all local reefers or maintained by a persay; secretary. For events or even group buys. Wish you were closer I'd hug ya!!! Have fun, David :dance:
Just a thought...
PROP is having their auction on the same day as this schedualed meet (15th), so maybe Sunday the 16th might be better. Still don't know if I will make it though.
Tang, I am in for Sunday events.

Should I start a new post for roll call on the 16th. I can then also post on the PHX and other AZ forums too.


So we have Sunday Sept.16th at Thunder Canyon Brewery at............P.M.. Colerphon started the thread so I guess time should be set by him since he is "host". It appears most want pm hours. Is there a section set aside at TCB for us to meet? Will swap end immediatly at beginning of happy hour??? It would be nice to see this become a permanent home for Tucson reefers. Is everybody O.K. with location? Any objections? Colerphon has taken the initiative to finally get the ball rolling, so lets support him. ALL are welcome right? Keep on reefin !!