Frag Swap Tables


Active member
Does anyone plan on taking things to sell at the swap? I see we get 4' of table space with our admission fee.
We do? I missed that. I only planned on bringing my prearranged items. We'll see how much I end up fragging Saturday. Pwehaps I could bring my 20L and a light :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6968442#post6968442 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jenghes
We do? I missed that. I only planned on bringing my prearranged items. We'll see how much I end up fragging Saturday. Pwehaps I could bring my 20L and a light :)

Admission $5 per adult; 14 yrs old & under free
--admission gets you 4' of table space and 4 hours of frag swappin' madness!
I've still got a couple of the SPSs and a couple other I could take, I don't want to hassle too much with it though.... maybe combine our stuff on a table??? Haven't been to one to know how it works....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6968682#post6968682 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hllywd
maybe combine our stuff on a table???
Thats what I was thinking. I just have a couple things that have already been sold that I don't want to carry around. I also have that skimmer and a wet/dry that I would like to see gone.
Should we all combine stuff? I'd be happy to share.

I can bring my 20L - it is not finished being painted yet. But it will be fine for this. I have a p/c light and a heater that I could bring.

Anyone have say some eggcrate? How about some saltwater? Small powerhead?
I have a coralife powercompact unit you are welcome to use if you need it. It's that one I was going to sell a while back. It has 1 actinic and 1 daylight bulb.

EDIT: I also have a small powerhead. It's the via aqua mini jet. I think it pumps maybe 110 gallons per hour. I think I also have a maxi-jet 600.
I like the idea... would it be a safe place to keep a cooler so you don't have to carry stuff?
guys it very well might be that I won't be able to make the show due to the impending loss of my mother-in-law. Our battle with cancer is in its twilight

my students were really looking forward to adding some acros and zoos to our new hex, if when the dust clears this weekend, you (anyone) find yourself with such left over corals, could you please drop me a note later next week. I am willing to do the driving to pick up.

thanks in advance
your pal
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through the cancer battle with the MIL. We went through it in August with my FIL. Hospice was absolutely wonderful. I hope that they are helping you guys out in this difficult time.
I don't think that we'd need a filter for the day, but I do have a HOB filter that I could bring if needed. What do you guys think?
thanks for the kind words, it is indeed a real tough time, of course more so for my wife but still, I have been very close to her for the last 20 years

I would bring and use the hang on guy for movement and to clear any chunks released from the stress of moving,
Consider it brung. I just need to get a new filter cartridge for it :) Off to Garys!

I think I have a thermometer around too.

Anyone else have some stuff? Egg crate, saltwater, small powerhead.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6968792#post6968792 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by selgado
EDIT: I also have a small powerhead. It's the via aqua mini jet. I think it pumps maybe 110 gallons per hour. I think I also have a maxi-jet 600.