Frag swap


New member
Central Valley Reefers would like to invite the folks from the Monterey Bay Area to a frag swap on November 22, which is a Sunday at 1 PM. If you want to make a weekend of it, on Saturday, Eric Borneman will be doing a lecture in Fresno as well. You can visit our site for more details:
This is going to be an open style swap, so no membership will be required.
For who, all 6 of us? I dont know that there is that much diversity between our tanks.

Actually there is more of us than that haha. I have had about 15 local reef keepers by my house for meets. Stick around and you might know a little more about the locals, not everyone here shops at PP.
For who, all 6 of us? I dont know that there is that much diversity between our tanks.
My tank, and a few others I know of, have more diversity in them than the LFS around here keep in stock. Plus I melt if the temp reaches 85 degrees, I assume Fresno will be hot as ****.
Actually there is more of us than that haha. I have had about 15 local reef keepers by my house for meets. Stick around and you might know a little more about the locals, not everyone here shops at PP.

I dont shop exclusively there either. Whats the hold up with a local swap then?
My tank, and a few others I know of, have more diversity in them than the LFS around here keep in stock. Plus I melt if the temp reaches 85 degrees, I assume Fresno will be hot as ****.

Noted. In Nov is should be good, mid 60s, plus it will be indoors.

Anyhow, this thread is getting a little off track, the invitation is there, if you want to show up, cool.
Actually, I have seen all kindsa of pics of your tank, and I would love to see it is person.

Anytime man! PM is key.

You seem like a well behaved gent that won't be peeing in my tank or kicking my dogs so hit me up. Just don't hate on my ghetto equipment.