frag tank set up

For those of you that have separate frag tanks from your DT.
How do you maintain this separate tank? Meaning, do you have a skimmer, sump, and all the other equipment your DT tank has in order to keep it going?
Do you have these frag tanks without the skimmer/sump?
Mind sharing your set up and how you're doing it?

I've thought of having a separate tank for my accidental frags, or frags that I want to move out of the DT (less clutter). But not sure how much effort that would end up being. other than a light
I had a frag tank at one point and I just had a very basic setup. Mine was a small shallow tank I believe 3'x2'x1' so I just did a 5 gallon water change once a week instead of having a full setup. I used a 20g long sump just filled with chaeto. Had a 6 line in there to produce some coral fertilizer.

Edit... And an ato, I used a cheap one from

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OK, so as I continue to read on......I am planning on very basic, which I think is easy enough to do. I think.

20g long tank (bare bottom), heater, powerhead, light, and frag rack
Is it best to add live rock in this tank, or use an HOB filter?
I don't see a need for dosing since my fresh saltwater mix has the parameters I need. Testing water weekly and doing small changes as needed.

I see some say to add a fish in the tank, but not needed. I'm still debating that.
I see it as two options. First, just plump it in to your existing sump. No equipment needed except return pump and light. Second, you set up an independent separate system. You will need a second set of all the equipment your are currently using now for your display tank. You can cut out some equipment, but their are trade offs for doing so. First option cheap and dirty, plus the added benefit of a larger water column. Drawbacks, a tank crash kills everything, no backup system for emergencies.