"Gomer, it is funny how one day everyone is in the hobby and active and the next it seems like there was never any action at all. It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums." This is what I said, in no way did i say that "this" forum was up and down, or that "this" forum was on and off. I have been posting contributing comments and ideas to this forum and in no way have I been negative about anything here.
"Ntvper he said it is always on and off again with this forum. so stray....whose smart now? lmao" post #29 of this thread just so you can find it easy. Another case of someone not reading what I wrote the way I wrote or seeing the words I used when I wrote it. "strayvoltage It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums." What part of THE FORUMS do you guys not understand? So Mr. smarty Ntvper it took like five minutes to find where he said it, put that in your pipe and smoke it. If you want to talk crap at least get it right.
Gomer I have to agree with you, my head hurts.
It really amazes me how some one wants to take something totally out of context and twist it around, change a couple of the words and be a jack (bleep) about it when they do it. If I say something wrong or against someone I have no problem admitting it and owning up to it.
Sea-men, you offered to help so I gladly accepted. I said I have over 1600 posts because I sure wasn't going to try to look for something that I didn't say when it was you that had a problem with what you thought I said. I don't claim to be smarter than any person here. If I think about it and admit it I must be pretty stupid to even stoop to your level and reply to you, with your asinine behavior that you conduct yourself with just because you think you are funny. Try to grow up just a little bit young man.
It is very clear to me that people like you are the very reason clubs can't and don't stay together very long.
I will continue to post freely on all forums that I see fit to post on.
Thank you very much and have a very nice day