Frag Tank

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Sea-men, if you mean me when you say this "STRAYelectrocuted" I have no idea where you get the idea that I think this forum is to up and down. I have read on this forum for a long time and have posted on it many times. Sorry if I bothered you by posting here, I had no idea it was a private forum.
Sea-men, if you mean me when you say this "STRAYelectrocuted" I have no idea where you get the idea that I think this forum is to up and down. I have read on this forum for a long time and have posted on it many times. Sorry if I bothered you by posting here, I had no idea it was a private forum.

Ree-read all your posts Mr. Voltages, I think you will find it!!! if you need some help, I would be willing to help, you just ask!!! Ya stay in the STARS forum el president"¦"¦hahahahha just got home form coral crew night soooooo much fun SEESICK thanks"¦"¦put up some pics sick"¦ Apologue accepted STRAYelectrocuted thanks for saying sorry
WOW, WOW, WOW….. funny… drinking and posting, do not mix. Anyway all in good fun… C-men you are crazy a good crazy…keep up the fun.. your even make-in the wife laugh..
Lol very loud, I feel a little smarter every time I post!
That was hilarious, good one TVguy.

Now to help you out Mr. Voltage first I did not realize that you had so many posts oooooorrrr you are so smart… here is what we can do, you start reading at post number 1 and I will start at 16 hundred something and will meet in the middle and when one of us finds your “this forum is so up and down” post, we can let everyone know where it is! Rrrrrrrrrrrr you can check out the participate more thread think you will find something there. Everyone should help out Mr. Voltage on his quest to find his post.
Ree-read all your posts Mr. Voltages, I think you will find it!!! if you need some help, I would be willing to help, you just ask!!! Ya stay in the STARS forum el president"¦"¦hahahahha just got home form coral crew night soooooo much fun SEESICK thanks"¦"¦put up some pics sick"¦ Apologue accepted STRAYelectrocuted thanks for saying sorry

My head hurts.
found it using the search engine and being specific its like page one of 'participate' thread lol took five minutes to find where he said it is always on and off again with this forum. so stray....whose smart now? lmao
SEA-men behave ! Seriously!..
STRAY - I dont think you really mean it but come on your counting your posts that would be like me saying I"VE BEEN ON HERE THE LONGEST BESIDES SOME OF THE MODS!!
JUST ignore seamen..come on you dont have to go there
"Gomer, it is funny how one day everyone is in the hobby and active and the next it seems like there was never any action at all. It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums. " Oon't think he really meant anything by it but did say it..REALIZE now there may not be any real activity on forums but all the usual suspects are still there and have never really gone anywhere.BTW what ever did happen to that website Alex made for nmok?
The "my head hurts" comment was more on the....linguistics...that seem to be making their rounds here:P
Seriously I am behaving!!! You would know if I was not, Reign you have seen me
Your head hurts, my feelings hurt Seriously!.. Reign…
BTW what ever did happen to that website Alex made for nmok?

I don’t know why “we” are looking for Alex, for website info I’m ASSUAMEING, or maybe because he maybe A bunch of claims (that he could do this and that) and promises then jumped of the face of the earth. I don’t know, BUT who cares about the old website or anything to do with Alxe or the old NMOK for that matter. its time to turn the page on NMOK I know it’s been said before. Let us look to the future, if sum of the old people would like to participate here (the more the merrier) they are more than welcome. Also I think the last thing we need is a website right now. I know last time a lot of time, effort, and money was put into a club website. I have always been of the opinion that Reef Central dose a more than adequate job for a club website…..
In the past NMOK seemed more in to electing officials (president, secretary, treasurer), organizing bank accounts, making a websites. And we never just hung out and talked about fish tanks…after all that is why we were all there. Club structure is important, just not right away. I think if we build our numbers and friendships, that stuff will come… Things like Saturday night, and for those of you that are going to the meeting on the 19th are what is important..get to know people in the hobby….
Get people interested with a common goal and go from there. We have people. We don't have a common goal that serves as a club mission....not yet :-D
SEA-men behave ! Seriously!..
STRAY - I dont think you really mean it but come on your counting your posts that would be like me saying I"VE BEEN ON HERE THE LONGEST BESIDES SOME OF THE MODS!!
JUST ignore seamen..come on you dont have to go there

Who cares about how long you have been hear"¦. It's the number of post that matters, or should I say makes you smarter"¦. Lets just ignore everyone, that will fix it all, then no one will have any fun. I for one enjoy reading sum of the more colorful posts they make me laugh"¦. C-men, TvGuy, Mr. Voltage post away.....just keep it fun...and it's all good....
"Gomer, it is funny how one day everyone is in the hobby and active and the next it seems like there was never any action at all. It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums." This is what I said, in no way did i say that "this" forum was up and down, or that "this" forum was on and off. I have been posting contributing comments and ideas to this forum and in no way have I been negative about anything here.

"Ntvper he said it is always on and off again with this forum. so stray....whose smart now? lmao" post #29 of this thread just so you can find it easy. Another case of someone not reading what I wrote the way I wrote or seeing the words I used when I wrote it. "strayvoltage It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums." What part of THE FORUMS do you guys not understand? So Mr. smarty Ntvper it took like five minutes to find where he said it, put that in your pipe and smoke it. If you want to talk crap at least get it right.

Gomer I have to agree with you, my head hurts.

It really amazes me how some one wants to take something totally out of context and twist it around, change a couple of the words and be a jack (bleep) about it when they do it. If I say something wrong or against someone I have no problem admitting it and owning up to it.

Sea-men, you offered to help so I gladly accepted. I said I have over 1600 posts because I sure wasn't going to try to look for something that I didn't say when it was you that had a problem with what you thought I said. I don't claim to be smarter than any person here. If I think about it and admit it I must be pretty stupid to even stoop to your level and reply to you, with your asinine behavior that you conduct yourself with just because you think you are funny. Try to grow up just a little bit young man.

It is very clear to me that people like you are the very reason clubs can't and don't stay together very long.
I will continue to post freely on all forums that I see fit to post on.
Thank you very much and have a very nice day
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"Gomer, it is funny how one day everyone is in the hobby and active and the next it seems like there was never any action at all. It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums." This is what I said, in no way did i say that "this" forum was up and down, or that "this" forum was on and off. I have been posting contributing comments and ideas to this forum and in no way have I been negative about anything here.

"Ntvper he said it is always on and off again with this forum. so stray....whose smart now? lmao" post #29 of this thread just so you can find it easy. Another case of someone not reading what I wrote the way I wrote or seeing the words I used when I wrote it. "strayvoltage It is always very on and off when it comes to ppl being active on the forums." What part of THE FORUMS do you guys not understand? So Mr. smarty Ntvper it took like five minutes to find where he said it, put that in your pipe and smoke it. If you want to talk crap at least get it right.

Gomer I have to agree with you, my head hurts.

It really amazes me how some one wants to take something totally out of context and twist it around, change a couple of the words and be a jack (bleep) about it when they do it. If I say something wrong or against someone I have no problem admitting it and owning up to it.

Sea-men, you offered to help so I gladly accepted. I said I have over 1600 posts because I sure wasn't going to try to look for something that I didn't say when it was you that had a problem with what you thought I said. I don't claim to be smarter than any person here. If I think about it and admit it I must be pretty stupid to even stoop to your level and reply to you, with your asinine behavior that you conduct yourself with just because you think you are funny. Try to grow up just a little bit young man.

It is very clear to me that people like you are the very reason clubs can't and don't stay together very long.
I will continue to post freely on all forums that I see fit to post on.
Thank you very much and have a very nice day
i beg to differ stray, we wouldnt last much in yours all up tighty whitey:rollface:, and you are getting hurt i thought this was all in fun but sadly u dont agree. dont take stuff so personal dude its all in good fun but seeing your getting hurt ill stop now, u have fun now and learn to laugh its good for u.
So....ummm..../subject change/

This past weekend, I cleaned my tank, did a WC, shuffled coral around in anticipation of some more, went hiking, went walking downtown, got some delicious African food, avoided the superbowl...

How about you guys?
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