Fragging LPS and the sort


New member
I would like to know if any of you are using any type of dip like Revive, Coral RX or any of the others out there, in the well portion of your fragging band saws.

I feel that I have seen something somewhere about this, I am just not recalling and trying to search for this is about pointless.

What are your fragging thoughts on what solutions are best etc so on and so forth.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this subject.
I've never used anything and haven't had issues using only saltwater. I think adding chemicals that will get blown directly into the coral's skeleton as its being cut is not a great idea imo.
If you keep your saw blade and other utensils clean you shouldn't have to use a dip. Also making sure your blade is still sharp is key so you arent ripping at the coral as apposed to cutting it.
I have used iodine in my wet saw water with good results. I feel there is little to no issue with edge recession as a result.
Edge recession IMO comes a lot from cutting at to low of a speed. I would just clean your blade after every use and you should be fine.