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Can some one give me i little help Maybe Kirsten
i would like to frag a toadstool leather approximately 12" when fully open am i suppost to cut a small piece of the lip or the base or what and how should i attach it
PeterJVincent is very good at fragging leathers. I have one of his that is doing awesome. From what I understand you can cut a pie piece out of the crown and superglue it to a rock. The one I got from him was unattatched so I just stuffed it in a crack of one of me rocks and it attatched itself.
We fragged a toadstool with great results and are getting ready to do it again as the mother is huge again. What we did was take it out and turn it upside down. Cut a 'donut' from it leaving a little lip around the 'stem'. Then take your 'donut' and cut it in to pieces however big or small you want. I then sewed each piece to a small piece of rubble just enough to hold it till it attached itself (about a week). Then you can either leave the string or cut and remove it. You could also use rubberbands but don't put them on too tight. We got 12 'babies' from the first frag and could have gotten more as some of the babies were on the large side. This time, the mother is probably double the size of the last frag and I can easily get 30 babies. I'll probably be fragging it tomorrow.
Don't panic if the mother stays 'closed up' for up to a couple of weeks. Ours kept the polyps in for 2 weeks or more and we thought we had ruined it, but then it came back and is very healthy and beautiful.
We traded about 8 of the original babies in at ATR. Let me know if you have any further questions. I might even have some pictures in my gallery that I had posted for Skip to preview.
One good idea that works well is to cut the outside edge off the toadstool leather (the outer ring leaving the center intact). Then cut the ring into individual pieces. You can either glue them to a rock, or sew then to a rock by using a needle and thread and simply pushing the needle through the bottom area of the leather where you want to attach it to the rock. Then just tie it to the rock. The main leather will recover fairly quickly and then in a couple of months, you can frag it again.

Just checked my gallery and there are still pictures in there of the babies and you can see the mom in the full tank shots. It's on the bottom left.
The tank will be one year old next month so I guess I should update my gallery!
Both of those ways work excellent. If it is large and you are fragging to trim it then do the donut. Like Deb said....don't freak out.
One more thing....if you've never fragged a leather before you might want a clothespin for your nose!!! They smell horrible. I would also suggest some disposable latex gloves to keep the slime off of you or your hands may smell for several days even after washing with soap! Nobody warned us that first time so we had to learn that the hard way. In fact, that is why I keep delaying fragging it again because I am pregnant and even more sensitive to the smell. Good luck and keep us posted on how it all turns out!
RLJLLL, if you have any extra frags, I'd definitely be interested in a small piece! Maybe we could trade. I have a fairly large toadstool that I got from Kirsten at the Frag sale a couple months ago. Once you frag yours and post pics, maybe I can frag mine and we could trade. Got any pics of it? Thanks


If for some reason you can't get a frag from rljill you are more than welcome to one or some of ours when they are ready. I will be fragging ours by this weekend.
O.K. I got motivated enough to tackle the fragging of the giant toadstool. I got 30 'babies' from it.....probably could have gotten even more if I had cut them smaller. Wish I had a separate frag tank for them to grow in. Will keep you updated on the progress. Last time all 12 'babies' survived so we'll see if we can have the same success rate this time.
i would love to trade i had a sliming problem from some of my buttons a few weeks back and my leather got a few burn spots they are healing up real nice i think it will look good enough for me to frag in about 2-3 weeks and if anyone wants to trade my my toadstool is a rare green base/purple top/green polyp toadstool(Green Polyp Toadstool Leather) it looks very nice under the mood light the polyps just shine that nice green and DjScibbity i would love to trade you but i don't need any other leathers i already have my large one and two others ones about 4-5inch and the other a small 1-1 1/2inch frag so i really don't want nor need more leathers but would trade for something else shoot me a PM with what you would be willing to trade
Auntdeb, a small piece would be awesome. I should be there (at the FRAG meeting) Saturday.

RLJLL, I dont have much else to trade since my tank (NC24) has only been up for about 3 months. What I have to frag, you probably wouldnt want. Ive got Xenia (who doesnt), my toadstool, and hmmm....maybe some bubble algae or aiptasia :) If you hooked me up with a piece, I would put you on the top of my list for some frags of my kickass zoos once theyre ready. Ive got about 4-5 small colonies all different colors (pinks, oranges, fire & ice, and some really cool multicolors). These probably wont be ready to frag for a couple more months though. Your toadstool sounds like a cool piece and I would love to give a cool frag a good home. Maybe a cash deal is in order? Lemme know. Thanks


ok we got a deal i will frag in about 2-3 weeks and let them attach and grow out for a few weeks before the next frag meeting so i know they are healthy enough to trade and i woulf really like some fire and ice for the trade or some multi colored ones i will put yoo on my list and we will work something out
auntdeb did you possibly take pictures of the "event" I would love to see just how you did the cutting, if so post a thread with pics, please
Sorry guys it was a solo event and I wouldn't get my camera anywhere near that mess! I had everything ready ahead of time (knife, scissors, towels, live rock rubble, buckets and thread or rubberbands) and did it as quickly as I could. It worked well having two buckets with tank water in it. One had the rubble in it. The other I used to transfer the mother to the cutting board and then back to the tank after cutting. Then when I cut the babies from the ring I put them in the mother bucket which gets full of slime. As I got the babies mounted on the rubble pieces I placed them in the rubble bucket with the clean tank then they were pretty much done oozing fluid. After getting them all in the tank I dumped both of the buckets of reason to put 'dirty' water back in the tank. Then I just topped off the fuge with rodi water. Within a few hours the babies were already extending the polyps. I'll have to get some pictures here soon. Even with all the precautions of having things ready it was still a messy job. If my husband had been here I would have gotten some pictures of the actual process.....maybe next time I'll have that ready ahead of time too.
How's your leather doing? Have you been able to frag it yet?
Of the 30 frags I got, 16 of them have attached to rubble LR and are starting to take shape. One attached to the glass....aarrgghh. The others I have rearranged on a rubble bed so they can attach. The 'mother' is healing very nicely with polyp extension since the second day. Eight of the frags are spoken for at a LFS. When they are all attached and growing out I will start a new thread to trade/sell them. I'll get some pictures up soon......would take them now but the hallides are off for the night.....maybe I'll get them tomorrow. I have had a couple of people pm me wanting a frag when they are ready so they will have first dibs.....otherwise they are all going to be available.
ok thanks i would like maybe one or two if you have any extras and mine is doing ok healing up slow but steady that slime took a big number on it i should be fragging it within the next couple of weeks i think if all goes well