Frags for sale! Boca Raton


New member
I've got some frags of Red Sea pink pulsing Xenia, green or purple mushrooms, Cabbage Leather, and Green/Brown Montipora Cap.. I'm looking to get $5 a frag. I sold a bunch of frags to people about 3 months ago and got nothing but positive feedback from the people who bought them. I would also consider trades for tiny SPS or LPS frags.

The only catch is that I'll only be around to frag until sunday evening (11/26/06), so until then anyone is welcome to give me a call at 561.632.2076 to set up a time to come by! I'm in Boca Raton, on Palmetto Park and Powerline.

Happy Thanksgiving!

grr...Damn the retail life! Id love to come up...but sadly this weekend is outta the question! if anyone goes up and wants to get me a frag of the cabbage leather, id be glad to pay you at the meeting Tues!!
I am interested in the xenia but need to know how many stalks come on each frag as well as a guestimate number of heads. If there is a few I would be interested in some of them. Thanks

There are anywhere between 1 and 6 stalks per each frag, and I imagine as many heads as there are stalks? You're welcome to come here and pick out whichever piece you'd like. They grow like weeds, so I don't mind people picking and choosing. However, you might want to come by sooner than later, as last time I sold for these prices, I sold out. I've got maybe 15-20 pieces of Xenia, all but 2 or 3 have multiple stalks and heads.
Unfortunatly at the moment no. I would have to A. clean the glass on the tank (it's almost entirely encrusted with calcerous algae) and B. I'm running out right now to drive to Miami for Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe either late tonight or tomorrow I could get some pictures.

I would appriciate if someone who I previously sold corals to would post their experiences with the corals. I got one review of the monti caps on the PBMAS website forum, which someone said that they turned bright green instead of brown/green that they are in the nano in which they grow. In a few months, hopefully they will grow and lighten up in my 120 now that it's functioning with halides.
ReefWreak...I live in Boca and I am interested in a Monti cap frag. I will give you a call tomorrow on my way home from work. Thanks Steve
I am interested in a xenia frag and mushroom frags...
I will call you on Sat so we could try to hook up.
I will PM you my cell number in case something comes up...

Thanks to Steve, Bill, and Nick for coming by today and having such smooth transactions. Hope the corals do wonderfully. Let me know how they go!
I called you today and left a message....
Is there anything left? Please let me know...
I PM'd you my cell number...

There is a bunch of everything left. I had a LOT of each, so there is a fair bit left. Just call me tomorrow after 9AM at the number listed above, preferably before you come, and I'll be here.

IF YOU WANT TO COME TOMORROW, IT MUST BE BEFORE 4PM. I WILL BE LEAVING AT 4PM FOR 3 WEEKS. When I return, I will sell more corals, and I'm sure I'll have more to sell too, as my corals grow at a disgustingly fast speed.


No worries, I'll be back December 15th, and depending on the growth that I've had, I should be able to have another sale. I'll keep everyone posted.
Just glad that you and everyone else are enjoying them and are doing well with them. I'm interested to hear of everyones sucesses or issues with them, but hope all is well. I'm up at school now, so when I get back in 3 weeks, hopefully I'll have some new frags to give, or at least more from the same tank for some of the people who missed out.

Thanks again to everyone who came by this weekend!