
the tiler

Premium Member
How do I setup a frag swap on fragswapper?
We are going to try and have our first frag swap in March and I think it would be good to use Fragswapper.

Thanks For your help

Contact Fizz71 and he is the man. Is a great way to have a frag swap and once you try it you will use it for all meetings.
Thanks I will PM him
I was going to call you and ask

How have you been?
I might see ya at Calfos event

That would be me. :) Register on the site first, then let me know your login and organization name and I'll set you up with an organization ticket..that will let you register your org on the site.

Once your org is on there, I'll get you a swap ticket...then you register the swap and you're good to go.

It's a few extra steps your first time in...but we'll get you up there. If you don't have an org, just make something up.

We are registered
The New Jersey Reefers Club

I am registered under thetiler

How do I set up a swap ?
It will be held on the 25th of march

Ahhh....You are not an administrator of that club. Get REEFTREASURES to add you as an admin, or have him tell me it's OK and I'll add you as an admin. Then I can send you the ticket...or I can just set REEFTREASURES up with a ticket..either way is fine. I'm just trying to follow my protocol for security rights on that site since you'll have access to certain emails and such as an admin.


Reeftreasures is no longer VP as of 2005

Phyl is the President of the club and I am the Vice President
Could you make it so both of us have administrative access

Ok...I put you in as the admin. Phyl wasn't registered with the club so I couldn't add him as an admin, but you can now once he registers with you org on the site.

I also sent you a meeting registration ticket. Fill it out and I'll get an email telling me it's out the there approve.

