Free fish if you respond within 2 hours!


Premium Member
Vivid Aquariums in CA made a mistake and sent me a box of fish I didn't order. They told me not to send them back since they didn't think they'd make the trip. I have:

1 Coral Beauty

1 Sailfin Tang

1 One Spot Fox Face

5 Small Yellow Tangs

I'm trying to get ahold of Dave right now to see if he will take them. I don't have enough tank room to hold more than a few of them. They'll die if they don't get somewhere by this evening.

If anyone wants one, speak up fast. Whatever isn't spoken for by 4 or so I'm hoping Dave will take.

I've got saltwater made already for a water change and an empty 10 gallon so I might be able to hold some, but I'd prefer to unload them today.

I let Dave at Vivid Aquariums know that their fish are going to a good cause and he was really happy!

Okay the Yellow Tangs are little, like 1 - 2". I can easily hold some of those in my 10 gallon quarantine/refugium tank for a little while if someone wants one and just can't pick it up right away.

Let me know.
Sorry ... work it out with Barrett if you want. I'm taking them all to his house this afternoon except if I end up holding some Tangs.

I know I said free fish, but now that this is turning charity I thought it would be good if Vivid could get a donation deduction for this since they're out the cost of all these fish.

So if anyone who keeps one individually could make even a small donation to the Reef Club, this could be a windfall all around: Fish for St. Jude's, $ for the Club, and a donation deduction for Vivid.

Sounds good?

So hey there .... buy a Tang for a good cause someone.

I think you could get by with one of the small ones for a while. But when it gets larger you'll either get a larger tank so you don't have to part with your baby... or you'll hand him/her off to another reefer and get another small one.
Update: The Tangs that Vivid says are small are not so small. I would rate them more medium to large.

Dave at Kermit's has kindly agreed to take the ones that haven't been claimed.

Right now the box of fish is with Barrett.

Thanks Barrett and Dave for helping with all this!

Alright everyone. Allfish are in the hospital tank and adjusting well. The rabbit is acting a little funny but considering I thought one of the yellows was gonna die.....
I'll be home tomorrow late so if anyone wants a tang call me at 901-481-3392.
All are in coppersafe and 80 deg T water.
Just wanted to Say Thanks to Barrett and Cathy for the Tang he is doing wonderful in his new home, he and the flamback angel are sizing each other up but seem to be doing ok!

It's nice to see someone else who is tank crazy like me Barrett, thanks again!
