Free Fish


New member
2 false percs alage blenny and a volition lion about 6 inches
also selling acros frog spawn live rock prices are negotiable
al must go soon
954 461 7127
i was just out there too. to bad i didnt know you were giving them away or i would have got the blenny. maybe tomorrow if you still have him.
Paul thanks man. everything looks great and fit right into my tank.

Guys help this guy out hes got a TON of great lookin SPS, and LPS.

really nice zoa's and hard coral. I got the 2 percs.

the rock blenny looks awesome and the lion is gorgeous. for anyone whos interested.

and Paul i gave your number to a couple of my buds.!;)
Hey Paul, I'll be in your area a little later today. I'll call your # to see if it's ok to stop by. I also sent you a PM.

Hey Paul, I called your cell a couple of times today while I was in your area but I only got your vm. Let me know if tomorrow is ok as I will again be in your area.
Hey Paul,

It's Eric, came by with Joey(fshboy007) yesterday. Frogspawn and percs are doing great! I'm sure you won't have a problem getting rid of the rest of your items.

Thanks a lot!

Tons of frags, and a great guy.
sorry i should have posted this earlier i work from 7-7 pm so im not avalible during the day sps frags nothin over 30
have an ora tort
also a 6 inch crocera for 50 maybe bigger
40 lbs base live rock 75 bucks
bucket salt free
sand free not live
free glass tank 60 x32x24 needs bottom
1/2 glass 29x25x32 1 2 1/2 hole in it on bottom not centered 100 bucks
oy! ill take the free glass tank and the salt :) i get out of school at 6:30 so i can come over about 7 - 7:30 also if you have the blenny still i'll take him too
No problem after 7 thats cool. I'll call you later today then for that blenny and whatever else I'll grab from ya. If chef don't grab that salt I will.
