free fish


Active member
anyone want a desjardini sailfin tang with lateral line disease?
or an extra melanopus clown that doesnt get along with my other 2...or a long goby of some sort that I have that hates being in a tank with no sand so he is allways trying to jump??

if any of the above sounds good -come and get it...or meet me somewhere...

prefer someone takes all 3....

I dont want to give them to a store...or flush them...

where are you located, would like the tang for sure and possibly the other two?

They changed some words around for April Fools Day :) That's why your post title is different than you typed.
dont really know the type of goby...greyish brown body with blue highlights about 6" long...
I am in milford DE.
sorry bro, too far. I vacation down at south bowers beach, family owned house, so I know where you are..

Thanks though!
all fish went to damn pep shrimp,today, as he was the first guy to pm me..all others who pm'ed me - sorry.....the first guy got 'em...