Free Kenya tree frags

I took them to Finsanity in Wilkes-Barre. I took him different macros too. He is the closest store to me except for Dean's here in Berwick.
If you wanted some, Phil at Finsanity will give them to you if he has any left. I work in Wilkes-Barre, right down the road from Finsanity. Plus he has a great store. Nice selection, great prices. He will order you anything that he doesn't have too. Huge selection of corals, especially for our area and you won't beat his prices or his customer service. Great people.
Dean's only has a handful of saltwater things. He does have a few supplies such as salt and food.
There is Valley pets in drums too. She doesn't have a big selection either tho. She will order for you also.
The next closest place is Something Fishy in Northampton.