Why is my Kenya tree falling

I'll reiterate a full tank shot and add a list of the other corals and how they look. Regarding PO4 .2 mg/l isn't going to be an issue for it. Nitrates @ 50 mg/l is high and needs to come down but Kenya tree should tolerate that level. Alkalinity should be raised, I wouldn't consider 6.1 to be an issue in a mature system that would have stuff generating alkalinity but, and correct me if I'm wrong, it looks to me like your system was set up with just maybe bacteeria and not with maricultured or wild live rock.
I used 3 live rocks 20 pounds of tbs rocks here’s an update on the coral. I put the rocks in a few weeks after my cycle completed which I started with Dry rock and Fritz bacteria


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Great to see some maricultured rock in there. :) Dry rock or "live" rock that has only bacteria added to it lacks many organisms that are essential for a reef ecosystem. (Only a few percent of the microbial stuff on reefs can be cultured and stuck in a bottle.) You didn't mention any other corals is htis the only one you've added? Patience is definitely an asset.
Great to see some maricultured rock in there. :) Dry rock or "live" rock that has only bacteria added to it lacks many organisms that are essential for a reef ecosystem. (Only a few percent of the microbial stuff on reefs can be cultured and stuck in a bottle.) You didn't mention any other corals is htis the only one you've added? Patience is definitely an asset.
I’ve got 3 other zoas not nearby it’s looking much worse


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My gut feeling is your system is just slowly maturing. But, pics of all your corals would help as well as current water parameters. As I understand you're posts, you started off with dry rock and bacteria n a bottle, which is fine, then added TBS maricultured live rock after cycling. As cycling only establishes the nitryfying cycle, the maturing cycle initially started off real slow then got a boost when you added live rock (look at my tank build. Abby's 260, to see an alternate method). From my experience every coral I've kept can be finicky at one point or another, some more so than others (I'm guessing the microbiomes have something to do with it). Seeing how the other corals you have are reacting along with the coral in question and how water parameters are changing or staying consistant are all helpful in determining if there's a problem or if a coral is just being a drama queen.

Back to your Kenya Tree. A lot of corals will get algae around the base like you've described. In most situations it's nothing to worry about. Looking at the pic you posted what I see are polyps that are opening. Seeing the pic you psoted earlier where it's up right I would stop worrying about it and start taking steps to promote maturing the system. This means staying on top of the water parameters, keeping nuisance algae to a minimum AND since coral manipulate the various microbiomes in reef ecosystems to their benefit add more easy corals appropriate for your lighting levels.
