Free Rimless 150


ran into this and as much as id love it, i cant afford the supporting equipment let alone the space for it so i figured someone else could jump on it. get on craigslist and look thru the free section, it was posted today. cant link or ill get infracted for offsite sales. post up if someone here got lucky enough to grab it
Wow that's crazy. just found it. It's either gone by now or a troll post haha.

I would definitely drive from key largo to coral springs for that lol.
Good find!
Let us know if you get it firegrant! Would be nice to see a build thread with a free 150. Every one would be hating on you lol
Thanks! rwd is the bestest platform ever! Shoulda kept that vert, they look super sick with a Silvia front
They do. It needed body work though. Rust was takin over on the edges. I wanted to make it a project and put an SRdet but couldn't get around to it and gave it to my brother so he can get a new car. It was my highschool car he handed down to me. Now I have a RSX which is my college car that does great on gas for those long distance trips to all different MDC campuses lol