Free Stuff


New member
Free Rocks Free coral free fish free anemone

Some Acro
some Zoanthids
2 x Cinnamon Tomato Clown
1 Yellow Tang
Carpet Anemone
Crabs blue

Catch, You will have to catch them yourself. Dont make a mess :-)
pm if u are intrested. Gasman Hit me up you live close to me.
Re: Free Stuff

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11505365#post11505365 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by instrance
Free Rocks Free coral free fish free anemone

Some Acro
some Zoanthids
2 x Cinnamon Tomato Clown
1 Yellow Tang
Carpet Anemone
Crabs blue

Catch, You will have to catch them yourself. Dont make a mess :-)
pm if u are intrested. Gasman Hit me up you live close to me.
u got hit- I'll play tank keepr for your acros and zoos- hopefully in time I would have triple them in size and u can have them back
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Your PM box is full. I can always use some:

Some Acro
some Zoanthids
Crabs blue
Rocks Well I dont really need rocks...

Carpet Anemone How big? Green? Friendly? Healthy? I have never had an anemone before. But I want one. If he is small...Well I would love one.

I am in davie.


Was I too slow?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11506194#post11506194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by racermike27
Hey Ozzy!!! What happened? Are you taking the tanks down?

How is everything otherwise?


Dont have the time. I wish i did. Working 18+ hours a day is a arse kicker. I sleep the day i have off. Any hoot, hope all is well with you :-)

Still have rock left if someone wants it.

Oh yeah and some bristle worms LOL heheheh those will cost you!
Why are you getting out? Time?

It does not take that much time. Or should I say it does not have to but we all know it does.