French Angel/ Clean-up


New member
Hi all,

Hope you can help.. Need someone to help clean the tank. I am concerned the fish will pick at whatever I put in.

My fish:

French Angel med/large
Bi-color Angel (Dwarf)
Hippo Tang
Yellow eye cole tang
Valentini puffer (Dwarf)
Tomato clown
1 Wrasse
I have had my turbo snails for 2 years and they are larger than golf balls now.

LMB = lawn mower blenny

you might be able to get away with a sand sifting starfish, but the wrasse, angel, and puffer might pick at it
The puffer will definantly make a meal out of the starfish.
Your best bet would be a LMB.
For cleaning the glass turbo snails work great and can adapt to coming out only at night so they dont get picked on. At least mine did.

For the sand I agree with Capt. Insano in that a starry hermit would work best. Unless you can find a larger LMB it will get pick at. Mine was torn to peices.
One more question?? Please. I am having trouble with the Starry Hermit. I am not finding that, does it have a more common name or are they just difficult to get?
I read the crab may or may not eat my sleeping fish. I had an awful vision of my tomato clown sleeping on the bottom (always) like a baby and then being gobbled down by the crab :(

Is it very likely for this to happen?