fresh water dip for shrooms?

I read a huge article on them awhile back (I really should bookmark what I read...) about the spiders and they are very bad to have in the tank and come in on corals or lr sometimes though they seem to be rare but they will devastate corals. In tropical waters they are very small sometimes hard to even see and in deep, very cold water they are scary huge. I wish I remembered where that article was...
It is a good practice to ALWAYS dip new corals in an iodine solution such as Lugols or Tropic Marin Coral Cure. I dont think freshwater will do much for coral pests.
Don't overdose with the Lugol's or even use the recommended dose.... Well I did do the Lugol's dip exactly like it said on some new mushrooms I had before I put them in the tank. Some regular discosomas and some green fuzzy and lost both to the dip. I will never do a Lugol's dip ever again, but that's just my experience.