Friend wants me to adopt his critters - will they fit?

David K

New member
Long time learner here, first time posting. Time to break the ice. I have a friend who is changing tank styles and wants me to adopt some of his fish. While he has others, I am considering adopting these:

Yellow Coris Wrasse, Blue Hippo Tang, Mandarin, Purple Firefish Goby, Cleaner Wrasse.

In addition to my inverts and mostly LPS corals, I have: 4" Yellow Tang, 3 Caribbean Blue Reef Chromis, 3 Blue/Green Chromis, 2 Oscellaris Black Clown Fish, 1 File Fish (mimic puffer), 1 Blackcap Basslet, 4 Indian Ocean Lyretail Anthias.

The adoptees have all been living together peacefully in their tank for a while and my current inhabitants get along just fine with the exception of some occasional bad behavior from my file fish nipping Nassarius snouts. I have a 230G DT that has been running for a year...parameters are all excellent. See my profile for updated tank details.

Finally - many of the fish up for adoption are considered moderate to hard to take care of...that does not concern me much - I just like a peaceful tank. I have a lid to protect from jumpers. I don't want to miss an obvious conflict...and I don't need fish I may never see - such as the Mandarin. I do have plenty of pods - as in shine a light at night and they are everywhere.

Summary: In issue with tank space? Any obvious conflicts?
Mandys are front and center, completely fearless of being out in the light, or anywhere else angels would fear to tread. I'm surprised it's lived with the wrasses longterm, but perhaps these wrasses don't eat pods. The only iffy one is the hippo tang. You may have to exile your yellow to qt for a week to calm him down, but it should work out. If you see a fight, turn the lights out on it.
I have a big skimmer that I run pretty aggressively with the collection cup draining into a 5 gallon bucket. Filtration should be adequate even though the tangs are messy.

I will run the newbies through QT for at least a short time, even though I am familiar with their home and conditions. Just to be safe. I would hate to move the Yellow Tang though - they are high strung as it is.

Thanks for the quick responses, all helpful. I am out for the rest of the evening but will check back tomorrow.