frog gone....


New member
new list : frogs gone

40 - kenda tree ( it was the first coral i purchased and has split 4 times since, 2 big stalks on a 2-3lbs of live rock)

15(each) - yellow polyps (3 small rocks covered with them)

20 - purple mushrooms (or blue im not sure its a small rock covered)

35 - green ????? (kinda looks like the starburst polyps just not sure, its on a 2-3lbs live rock)

25 - green mushrooms (on a nice rock)

20 - small green mushrooms (these have stripes that go toword the center)

15 - carpet mushroom (2 heads, i think thats what its called, not done so good under my T5's but my buddy had them in a vho lite tank and they were enormous)

35 - about a 4-5lbs piece of live rock (i think barrier called it fiji) with about 10 purple/blue mushrooms and 3inch mat of green starburst polyps

50 - about a 12-15lbs piece of live rock (big) with numerous purple/blue mushrooms , 2 orange ric's on top and a small white ric on side

35 - about 12-15lbs piece of live rock (big) with some green button polyps on the side.

15 - 3lbs rock with lots of purple

15 - 3lbs rock with lots of purple

same as before just pm or email for pics


i keep hitting the new thread button instead of the reply button...

if any admin wants to move this to the origianal thread that would be great....

