Frogspawn issues


New member
This piece has/had about 13 or 14 heads on it, and would be out and very full. I am down to about 12 heads now and the last two that are no longer there turned transparent like what the picture looks like. The heads atrophied and then disappeared. Does anyone have any idea what could be happening?


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Tell us a little about your tank. Water chemistry, filtration, lightning, flow? How old is the tank and is this your first reef tank? Where are you getting your fresh water? Chances are good that one of these is your issue.
Tell us a little about your tank. Water chemistry, filtration, lightning, flow? How old is the tank and is this your first reef tank? Where are you getting your fresh water? Chances are good that one of these is your issue.

Yes, this is my first tank(75g), I have had that particular piece in the tank for about a year now, and it just started doing this about 2 or 3 months ago. As far as the chemistry, I am not entirely sure, my salinity hangs around 1.026/27. I water change 15g every two weeks or so. I use socks for my filtration, my lighting is an Orbit Marine LED 48" and the flow at that piece is moderate to low. I have kept it in the same area the entire time, so i am not sure why the sudden loss. I get my salt and fresh water at A Tropical reef in pinellas park.
We need a bit more. Alk, temp, calcium, etc. are critical before anyone here can start suggesting options. These Corals are very sensitive to temp and ALK swings, but it could be anything.