FS 10 gal planted shrimp full setup


Active member
Hi all,

I know this is a reef community but I know some of you guys have fresh water tanks too...

Maybe somebody is looking into low maintenance tank, maybe first tank for the kid...?

I have too many tanks, so I'm trying to get rid of what I can...

I have the following setup, it was a low tech shrimp setup for neo shrimps, fully cycled all equipment was purchased brand new 6 months ago.

10 gal rimless with rounded corner 18"x12"x12" ( i think)
18" finnex ray 2 led
Hydor heater
seiryu stones
Aqueos HOB
Dual sponge filter (no air pump included)
Multi mazanita branch with 3/4 of it covered in fissiden moss

various moss (java, taiwan, mini pelia, and misc mix moss)
Rotala, baby tears, various floating plants
I threw in a few neo shrimps in there a few months ago did see some babies (no guarantee)

Really low maintenance tank, no algea issues, no fert, no co2, no chemicals, all I did was top off and water changes 10% once a month since it was low tech, everything grows well..

Asking $130 for setup, pm for any questions.

Thank you!
