Premium Member
Ok, so after being setup and stable for years I am going to sell my setup. It's a 135 gallon (standard 125 dual overflow but and inch taller I think), loaded to the gills with softies and some LPS and monti caps. A full grown large Black tang, a tominey tang, an egg laying mated pair of tomato clowns, 4 pajama cardinals.
Complete list:
1 Black Tang (6 years old)
1 Tominey Tang (6 years old)
2 Tomato Clown (female is 12+ years, male is 8)
4 Large Pajama Cardinals (7 years old)
200+ headed Trumpet corals
20+ heads of Orange/red Yumas
10+ ORA green polyped toadstools
Sinulara that is about 2 feet wide and tall (huge)
various shrooms and softies
3x 150watt metal halide, 2x96watt compact fluorescence
Calcium reactor: dual stage HUGE calcium reactor with 2 chambers
Chiller: 1/3 HP tower chiller curent usa
Skimmer: octopuss DNW-200 (9"X21". 30" Tall. rated to 400 gallons)
Sump: beat up acrilyic two chamber deal holds about 15 gallons is drilled with valves and a drawer for filter.
Tank is the thicker glass and it's supposed to be starfire, but I think the sides are only starfire glass, not sure, dual overflow about an inch off the corners.
Wave controller and a bunch of old powerheads included.
Paid around 10k for everything, I'm not stupid thinking I'll get anything close that, parted out I calculate I can get maybe $2k for it, I'm willing to take less if someone is willing to take it all and knows how to run a tank and not kill all the livestock in less than 6 months.
Open to unreasonable offers.§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=2742
Complete list:
1 Black Tang (6 years old)
1 Tominey Tang (6 years old)
2 Tomato Clown (female is 12+ years, male is 8)
4 Large Pajama Cardinals (7 years old)
200+ headed Trumpet corals
20+ heads of Orange/red Yumas
10+ ORA green polyped toadstools
Sinulara that is about 2 feet wide and tall (huge)
various shrooms and softies
3x 150watt metal halide, 2x96watt compact fluorescence
Calcium reactor: dual stage HUGE calcium reactor with 2 chambers
Chiller: 1/3 HP tower chiller curent usa
Skimmer: octopuss DNW-200 (9"X21". 30" Tall. rated to 400 gallons)
Sump: beat up acrilyic two chamber deal holds about 15 gallons is drilled with valves and a drawer for filter.
Tank is the thicker glass and it's supposed to be starfire, but I think the sides are only starfire glass, not sure, dual overflow about an inch off the corners.
Wave controller and a bunch of old powerheads included.
Paid around 10k for everything, I'm not stupid thinking I'll get anything close that, parted out I calculate I can get maybe $2k for it, I'm willing to take less if someone is willing to take it all and knows how to run a tank and not kill all the livestock in less than 6 months.
Open to unreasonable offers.§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=2742