FS: 7.5g Nano Reef + Equipment & More


Active member
So I'm kinda getting out of the reef game for a while due to housing-related reasons and I'm selling my nano reef setup.

7.5 gallon cube (12" x 12" x 12"):

- Mr. Aqua Cube with a custom Acrylic Overflow
- JBJ ATO + Tom Aquatics Aqualifter + 5 Gallon Jug w/ Tubing
- Aquaclear 50 + InTank Media Basket
- 2x Hydor Koralia Nano 240gph pumps
- Cobalt Aquatics Neo-Therm 25 Watt Heater

The overflow works wonderfully with the HOB filter and solves two huge problems nano-reefers face: surface skimming and stable salinity. There's a bracket inside it to hold the ATO float switch and shelving for filter floss. The Aquaclear 50 fits just right on the tank and leaves plenty of room for a gooseneck for a light. The media basket is great and very versatile. The two pumps, combined with the filter, provide pretty remarkable flow. I've kept Zoas, LPS' and SPS' in this tank and they've been happy and grew.

You'd be amazed at how quiet this setup is! I have it in my bedroom on a nightstand and have never had problems. The only audible thing is the ATO - when it turns on, there's a slight clicking sound and that's it.




Plus all this stuff:
Salt Mixing / Water Changing
Buckets, Jugs and Hoses
Maxi-Jet Mixing Pump
Red Sea Coral Pro (55g Bucket - Full)
Jager Heater

Test Kits:
Salifert Magnesium
Salifert Calcium
Salifert Alkalinity
Salifert Nitrate
Hanna Phosphate Checker
BRS Refractometer w/ Calibration fluid

BRS Calcium Flakes
BRS Alkalinity Flakes
BRS Carbon

TONS of high quality filter floss
Lifegard Temperature Monitor
Mag Float glass cleaner
Glass scraper
Kent Tech-M Magnesium
TLF ReVive (coral dip)
Coral Glue
Feeding tools
Food (Dry and Frozen)
Analog Timer
GFCI Circuit
Grounding probe

I'd like to sell the stuff above in a bundle. They'd be hard to sell separately.

I'm asking $300 for it all.

Please post here, PM me or text me at 818-468-84 THREE SIX if interested.

I live in Burbank, CA.

I apologize as I don't have a lighting solution. I was using a Par38 bulb with a BoostLED gooseneck and it worked wonderfully. But my 2yo nephew managed to get a hold of the gooseneck and pulled the whole thing down into the water. Thank god for GFCI circuits - ALWAYS use them people! They save lives.
Thanks friend!

I should probably add that the tank is up and running right now with a small Hammer coral (who oddly enough seems fine with no lighting) and seven sexy shrimp.

Whoever is interested may take the livestock along with the tank... or if you want it bare, I'll be happy to clean it up and donate the animals to the LFS down the street.
Here's a list of stuff for sale. If anyone is interested in them, please reach out to me:

Customized 7.5g Cube - $50
- Black back pane, overflow for use with hang-on filters (tank is NOT drilled), shelving for filter floss pads, place to hang ATO float switch. Netted cover included.

2x Hydor Koralia Nano (240gph) - $10 each
Aquaclear 50 + InTank Media basket - $30
Cobalt Neotherm 25w heater - $10
JBJ Auto top-off - $40
Tom Aquatics Aqualifter - $10
TONS of high quality filter floss - $10
Lifegard Temperature Monitor - $10

Saltwater / Mixing
2 gallon bucket, jugs and hoses - FREE
Maxi-Jet Pump (295gph) - $10
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt (55g Bucket) - $20
50w Jager Heater - $10

Test Kits
Salifert Kits (Ca, Alk, Mg, NO3) - $20
BRS Refractometer w/ Calibration fluid - $20

BRS ROX Premium Carbon 1/2 gallon (Full) - $20
BRS ROX Premium Carbon 1/2 gallon (Half) - $10
BRS GFO 1/2 gallon - (A bit less than half) - $10
Koralia Nano's = SOLD
Maxi-Jet = SOLD
Refractometer = SOLD
Buckets/Jugs/Hoses = GONE
Carbon + GFO = SOLD
Aqualifter = SOLD
Filter floss = SOLD

Still available:
Customized 7.5g Cube - $50
Aquaclear 50 + InTank Media basket - $30
Cobalt Neotherm 25w heater - $10
Jager 50w Heater - $10
Lifegard Temperature Monitor - $10
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt (55g Bucket) - $20
Salifert Test Kits (Ca, Alk, Mg, NO3) - $20
Last edited:
Salifert Test Kits = SOLD!

Still available:
Customized 7.5g Cube - $50
Aquaclear 50 + InTank Media basket - $30
Cobalt Neotherm 25w heater - $10
Jager 50w Heater - $10
Lifegard Temperature Monitor - $10
Red Sea Coral Pro Salt (55g Bucket) - $20
Hey friends.

Thought I'd give this one final go.

Here is what's for sale:
  • Customized 7.5g Cube
  • Aquaclear 50 + InTank Media basket
  • Cobalt Neotherm 25w heater
  • Jager 50w Heater
  • Lifegard Temperature Monitor
  • Red Sea Coral Pro Salt (55g Bucket)


It's taking up space in the house that is needed for something else. If you are interested in anything, please let me know by this Friday.

This is a longshot but do you still have the old modified aquaclear50 for sale? i know it was a couple years ago so im assuming not but it never hurts to ask!