Active member
Breaking down my system and selling it all off. Time to get ready for retirement, and after 30 years of reefing, time to retire from it as well! So, with that, "¦"¦..
I will list everything in this Thread. I will need to get tank empty first before the equipment can be picked up, so if you buy something, it may be a week to two weeks on equipment. Coral first, rock and fish next, then equipment.
There is a very long list of stuff. Some pictures follow, but I think the best thing to do is if you're interested in a specific coral/fish/equipment, PM me and I will get specifics texted to you. I think I have priced fairly, but if you see something that you think is out of line, please just ask and we can go from there.
I will be posting a some more items. Also will try to keep up with stuff that is sold and post intermediate "summaries" of what is remaining.
Fish (all have been with me 2-3 years, no new fish have been added, so healthy livestock here):
Blue Reef Chromis (Chromis cyaneus) 1 Large $25
Blonde Naso Tang (Naso elegans) 1 XX-Large $150
Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) 3 Large $60 for the 3 (selling trio only, 1 male)
Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf cyanopleura) 1 X-Large $50
Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula) 1 Large $50
Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) 1 Medium $10
Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica) 1 Medium $10
Clarkii Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) 2 Large $20 (selling as pair only)
Ocellaris Clownfish, Captive-Bred(Amphiprion ocellaris ) 2 Small $20 (selling as pair only)
Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis) 1 Medium $35
Coral (sizes are approx., PM me for details of any)
Valida Tri-color (Acropora valida) 1 Colony 10" dia $140
Valida Tri-color (Acropora valida) 1 Colony 6" dia $40
ORA Green Ponape Birdsnest (Seriatopora sp.) 1 Colony 8" dia $60
ORA Red Hyacinth Birdsnest (Seriatopora hystrix) 1 Colony 8" dia $60
ORA Pink Birdsnest (Seriatopora hystrix) 1 Colony 10" dia $60
Bird of Paradise (Seriatopora sp.) 1 multi branch 3"x8" $40
Hawkins Echinata (Acropora sp.) 1 Colony 4" dia $60
Efflo (Acropora efflorescens) 1 Plated 3" dia $30
Miami Orchid (Acropora sp.) 1 multi branch 6" $35
Red Planet (Acropora sp.) 1 multi branch 4" $35
Red/Orange Capricornis (Montipora capricornis) Multiple sizes "“ $5 to $20
Jedi Mind Trick Montipora (Montipora sp.) 1 - 4" dia $30
Purple Capricornis (Montipora capricornis) 2 "“ 8" dia $20ea.
Green Damicornis (Pocillopora damicornis) 1 "“ 7" dia $40
Green Damicornis (Pocillopora damicornis) 1 "“ 3" dia $20
Green Damicornis (Pocillopora damicornis) 1 "“ 2" dia $10
Mint Pavona (Pavona frondifera) 1 "“ 3" couple plates $15
Purple Bonsi (Acropora sp.) 1 - 4-5" dia $60
Purple Bonsi (Acropora sp.) 1 "“ multi branched $35
Strawberry Shortcake (Acropora microlados) 1 "“ plated, but probably 3" $30
Incredible Hulk (Acropora sp.) 1 colony 8" multi branch $60
Green Bali Slimer (Acropora sp.) 1 "“ multi branched 6" $60
Acropora loripes 1 "“ multi branched 4" $35
Christmas Mirabilis (Acropora sp.) 1 "“ plated on rock 4" $30
Elegance Coral (Aussie) (Catalaphyllia jardinei) 1 "“ 6-8" $60
Acan Brain Coral (Acanthastrea echinata) 1 - 6" Red $60
Acan Brain Coral (Acanthastrea echinata) 1 - 2" Red $20
Acan Brain Coral (Acanthastrea echinata) 1 - 3" Purple $30
Orange Leptoseris 1 Frag plug $10
Hills Have Eyes Echinophyllia (Chalice) 1 - 7" $150 (This is a showpiece Chalice)
Hollywood Stunner Echinophyllia (Chalice) Several 4-6" $15
Live Rock $1.50/Pound
More to come as frags. Most all frags will be $10
Tank/Stand/Hood - 96" long x30" High x24" deep x3/4" Thick. External overflow through weir gates cut into the rear top edge. All scratches will be taken care of by me prior to pickup. $1,250
Sump - 48" long x 14" high x 18" wide, siphon box, 2 7" socks, 3 Gal ATO chamber, large skimmer area and return box area - $250
Pump - Fluval Sea SP6 -$120
Package - Tank/Stand/Hood/Sump/Pump/heater/50 filter socks "“ $1500 "œplug and play"
Skimmer "“ Royal Exclusive Alpha Vertex 250, Red Dragon 1500, Avast Marine neck Cleaner - $600
Pump - Fluval Sea SP2 $75
Pump - DCT-6000 $65
Archon Controller with 3 power bars, SL2v2 salinity module, Salinity probe, 2 pH probes, 2 temp probes, IOE module, DP1 dosing pump, cables etc. - $450
Wave Maker - Vortech MP60 $250 (housing slight crack/chip at cable entry. Does not impact operation, that's why listed this low).
Wave Maker "“ Jebao Crossflow $75
Frag Tank - 20x20x16 x 3/4" with two racks - $150
LED Lights 2 ea. Photon 48 $300 each
LED Light - Photon 16 $150
T5 Lights "“ 4 ea. NanoTec Sunblaster 48" - $25ea (3 month old ATI Blue Plus in each of them)
T5 Lights "“ 2 ea. Nanotech Sunblaster 24" - $20 ea (1 month old ATI Blue Plus in each of them)
Calcium Reactor set up - Geo624 (6" dia x 24" tall), Eheim Pump, Aquarium Plants Carbon Doser Regulator, Masterflex Peristaltic Pump for effluent, 20lb. Aluminum tank, several feet of peristaltic

I will list everything in this Thread. I will need to get tank empty first before the equipment can be picked up, so if you buy something, it may be a week to two weeks on equipment. Coral first, rock and fish next, then equipment.
There is a very long list of stuff. Some pictures follow, but I think the best thing to do is if you're interested in a specific coral/fish/equipment, PM me and I will get specifics texted to you. I think I have priced fairly, but if you see something that you think is out of line, please just ask and we can go from there.
I will be posting a some more items. Also will try to keep up with stuff that is sold and post intermediate "summaries" of what is remaining.
Fish (all have been with me 2-3 years, no new fish have been added, so healthy livestock here):
Blue Reef Chromis (Chromis cyaneus) 1 Large $25
Blonde Naso Tang (Naso elegans) 1 XX-Large $150
Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) 3 Large $60 for the 3 (selling trio only, 1 male)
Ruby Head Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf cyanopleura) 1 X-Large $50
Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loricula) 1 Large $50
Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) 1 Medium $10
Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica) 1 Medium $10
Clarkii Clownfish (Amphiprion clarkii) 2 Large $20 (selling as pair only)
Ocellaris Clownfish, Captive-Bred(Amphiprion ocellaris ) 2 Small $20 (selling as pair only)
Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis) 1 Medium $35
Coral (sizes are approx., PM me for details of any)
Valida Tri-color (Acropora valida) 1 Colony 10" dia $140
Valida Tri-color (Acropora valida) 1 Colony 6" dia $40
ORA Green Ponape Birdsnest (Seriatopora sp.) 1 Colony 8" dia $60
ORA Red Hyacinth Birdsnest (Seriatopora hystrix) 1 Colony 8" dia $60
ORA Pink Birdsnest (Seriatopora hystrix) 1 Colony 10" dia $60
Bird of Paradise (Seriatopora sp.) 1 multi branch 3"x8" $40
Hawkins Echinata (Acropora sp.) 1 Colony 4" dia $60
Efflo (Acropora efflorescens) 1 Plated 3" dia $30
Miami Orchid (Acropora sp.) 1 multi branch 6" $35
Red Planet (Acropora sp.) 1 multi branch 4" $35
Red/Orange Capricornis (Montipora capricornis) Multiple sizes "“ $5 to $20
Jedi Mind Trick Montipora (Montipora sp.) 1 - 4" dia $30
Purple Capricornis (Montipora capricornis) 2 "“ 8" dia $20ea.
Green Damicornis (Pocillopora damicornis) 1 "“ 7" dia $40
Green Damicornis (Pocillopora damicornis) 1 "“ 3" dia $20
Green Damicornis (Pocillopora damicornis) 1 "“ 2" dia $10
Mint Pavona (Pavona frondifera) 1 "“ 3" couple plates $15
Purple Bonsi (Acropora sp.) 1 - 4-5" dia $60
Purple Bonsi (Acropora sp.) 1 "“ multi branched $35
Strawberry Shortcake (Acropora microlados) 1 "“ plated, but probably 3" $30
Incredible Hulk (Acropora sp.) 1 colony 8" multi branch $60
Green Bali Slimer (Acropora sp.) 1 "“ multi branched 6" $60
Acropora loripes 1 "“ multi branched 4" $35
Christmas Mirabilis (Acropora sp.) 1 "“ plated on rock 4" $30
Elegance Coral (Aussie) (Catalaphyllia jardinei) 1 "“ 6-8" $60
Acan Brain Coral (Acanthastrea echinata) 1 - 6" Red $60
Acan Brain Coral (Acanthastrea echinata) 1 - 2" Red $20
Acan Brain Coral (Acanthastrea echinata) 1 - 3" Purple $30
Orange Leptoseris 1 Frag plug $10
Hills Have Eyes Echinophyllia (Chalice) 1 - 7" $150 (This is a showpiece Chalice)
Hollywood Stunner Echinophyllia (Chalice) Several 4-6" $15
Live Rock $1.50/Pound
More to come as frags. Most all frags will be $10
Tank/Stand/Hood - 96" long x30" High x24" deep x3/4" Thick. External overflow through weir gates cut into the rear top edge. All scratches will be taken care of by me prior to pickup. $1,250
Sump - 48" long x 14" high x 18" wide, siphon box, 2 7" socks, 3 Gal ATO chamber, large skimmer area and return box area - $250
Pump - Fluval Sea SP6 -$120
Package - Tank/Stand/Hood/Sump/Pump/heater/50 filter socks "“ $1500 "œplug and play"
Skimmer "“ Royal Exclusive Alpha Vertex 250, Red Dragon 1500, Avast Marine neck Cleaner - $600
Pump - Fluval Sea SP2 $75
Pump - DCT-6000 $65
Archon Controller with 3 power bars, SL2v2 salinity module, Salinity probe, 2 pH probes, 2 temp probes, IOE module, DP1 dosing pump, cables etc. - $450
Wave Maker - Vortech MP60 $250 (housing slight crack/chip at cable entry. Does not impact operation, that's why listed this low).
Wave Maker "“ Jebao Crossflow $75
Frag Tank - 20x20x16 x 3/4" with two racks - $150
LED Lights 2 ea. Photon 48 $300 each
LED Light - Photon 16 $150
T5 Lights "“ 4 ea. NanoTec Sunblaster 48" - $25ea (3 month old ATI Blue Plus in each of them)
T5 Lights "“ 2 ea. Nanotech Sunblaster 24" - $20 ea (1 month old ATI Blue Plus in each of them)
Calcium Reactor set up - Geo624 (6" dia x 24" tall), Eheim Pump, Aquarium Plants Carbon Doser Regulator, Masterflex Peristaltic Pump for effluent, 20lb. Aluminum tank, several feet of peristaltic