FS/FT RBTA Split again


New member
My RBTA split again and I now have two medium sized RBTA's. They have not come out and opened up all the way, so I don't have a good idea of the size. From what I can tell they are both about 5-6" across. $45 Dollars or trade for something decent. If you look at my gallery you can see what it used to look like before the split.
Carlito, I was thinking the BTA in my 55 was a goner cause after about a year of being in the same spot it started a'ramblin' (just in time for the tank hop). It emerged in a dark corner of the tank and has been hanging out there for a few days now and feeding. :spin2:

If it goes south I'm definitely interested.
Mel, Sorry that you could not take it right now, but no worries, it has split twice in about 5 months, so I will call you when it happens again.
Pedro, you've kept a BTA in a 55 with T5s for over a year? Until the recent walk, has it been healthy (color, growing size...)?

I'm curious because I have a 72 bow with VHO lighting and would like to get a BTA. Sentiment thus far on this forum has been MH or bust...
Bah. I'm sure it can be kept under VHO. It's just like SPS in it's lighting requirements, and people kept both of these under VHOs for decades before using MH. In fact, some of the nicer BTA and LTA tanks I've seen have been just VHOs, maybe even PCs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Bah. I'm sure it can be kept under VHO. It's just like SPS in it's lighting requirements, and people kept both of these under VHOs for decades before using MH. In fact, some of the nicer BTA and LTA tanks I've seen have been just VHOs, maybe even PCs.
U can def keep them will they thrive IMHO the answer is no.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11426429#post11426429 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by FleeVT
Pedro, you've kept a BTA in a 55 with T5s for over a year? Until the recent walk, has it been healthy (color, growing size...)?

Actually, it was PC lighting, just recently changed to T5. The BTA is not an RBTA, but a brownish/green in color. Also the tank is near a window and receives some ambient light.

It stayed in the same spot for about a year, just recently moved. It moved before the change to T5, so lighting wasn't the reason. Also it moved into a cave and out the other side into the darkest corner of the tank. I think it was probably due to some aquascaping I did, rearranging some nearby rocks that disturbed it even though I didn't move the rock it was on.

All in all, I agree with the gman. I wouln't say it prospered, but it survived.