fs/ft rbta


In Memoriam
Well my anemone split about a month ago and i've been contimplating keeping them both or not. I've decided to sell the little one. Here's a pic, and he'll come on the rock that he's attached to. Asking $60 or trade, as I paid 50 and it was less than half the size. Came from Sea In The City in orlando. He's really healthy, but is chilling under the rock for some reason so I can't get a better pic than this.

Here's the one I'm keeping. Just so you can see exactly what it is.
bump anyone...he's still sitting here in my tank. If i had a bigger tank I would keep him, but he's getting too close to my corals!
some exotic zoos, maybe some pretty chalice's, a big piece of flat liverock. about 20" x 8" and pretty flat...doesn't have to be like slate, but decently flat. frag tank thats 36x16x8-10"
maybe more stuff...let me know what you've got to trade. I need this guy out...2 big anemone's are too much for my 75.

p.s. today he's probably a good 6-8 inches.
Sounds like a great deal. I just picked one up a couple of weeks ago from jeffbrig, otherwise I'd go for it.
the rbta is big and beautiful i got a good look at it and it is much nicer and larger then pic indicates.