FS: Pandora Palys


Active member
I got a pretty good colony going and they are starting to run into some of my acros so I need to trim them back. $5/polyp, 10-20 polyps @ $3/polyp or 20+ polyps @ $2/polyp.
Pic and location please

North Lakeland. I'll get a picture up later after the lights come on.

I will take 20p

I'll frag yours today. You're welcome to come by today as well.

I'll take 20 as well.

Will touch base with Roger to see if we can work out pick up.

I'll try to get these today as well. Shouldn't be a problem.

Ill take 10

I have a 7 polyp frag ready to go if you want that one.

How many do you have left? I might be interested in grabbing a few of these.

I'm pretty sure if everyone comes through I'll be out. I'll let you know if i can frag more.
Ill take the 7 polyp if you can do them for the 10 polyp price (thats why i wanted the 10 polyp) if not, i understand
I will do 20 if you're going to be around after work today. Text me if that works for you.

How many do you want?

That depends on how many you have. I'd want to make it worth a drive from Saint Pete, but I am honestly in no hurry if you want to recover some growth for a couple/few months. Let's chat to see what other corals you'd want to trim by then and I can make a trip over to pick up a few different types. I will PM you my number when I get back home, or if you want to PM me yours and I will get back to you sometime this evening.
On a side note, Your tank looks amazing!
I will take 20p

I'll take 20 as well.

Ill take 10

I will do 20...

Alright guys. I have all the orders fragged and ready to go. Unfortunately I am all out for the time being.

Aaron: 20 polyps
Thanks for coming by

Roger: 20 polyps
Frag made
Have not received payment
Delivering on 5/3

Bryan: 20 polyps
Frag made
Have not received payment
Delivering on 5/3

Nathan: 10 polyps
Frag made
Received payment
Delivering on 5/3

Tyler: 10 polyps
Frag made
Received payment
Delivering on 5/3