Fs: show size checkerboard wrasse.


New member
As the title says Fs: show size checkerboard wrasse...he has already been QT from my fish only system and if u check acording to liveaquaria considered reef safe....$50


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It's is. Just wondering why are you getting rid of it?

He was not fitting the direction I decided to go with my DT I have started favoring pseudochromis and a few others and he does better with other wrasses or reef settings ......he hangs with my leopards and other wrasses but for some reason the pseudo he wasnt having it....I guess they were taking over his spot and pestering him way too much.....my DT has went through a lot of changes also so his whole environment has changed too....he has been a model citizen before I changed everything up on him.... he will protect clams and other corals in a reef setting as he will eat fireworms, tubeworms, flatworms and pyramidellid snails