FS: Sump, MH Pendants & Ballasts, Ready-Fit Light 48" & 60", ATI CA & PM Kalk Reactor


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FS: Sump, MH Pendants & Ballasts, Ready-Fit Light 48" & 60", ATI CA & PM Kalk Reactor

Eshopps Sump: 24 x 12 x 16 - $40.
HOB Filters - $5 each. There are two.
Phosban Reactor - $15.
48" Sunlight Supply Ready-Fit Light w Reflectors - $60 each. There are two.
60" Sunlight Supply Ready-Fit Light w Reflectors - $80 each. There are two.
Used bulbs are $2 each. My friend said some bulb are 2 months old.
ATI Ca Reactor missing several plastic screw on top - $100.
Precision Marine Kalk Reactor - $100.
MH 12 x 12 Pendants w/ IceCap Ballasts and used bulbs included - $100 each set. There are two sets.
MH 12 x 12 Pendant by itself in the photo is not as nice as the other one - $40.
Hurricane Category 5 Air Pump - $30 each. There are two.
Frag Holder - $5 for both.
Koralia 1 Powerhead - $5.
UV Sterilizer - Free - Not sure if it works. Not liable for injuries. I did not test it.
Koralia(bigger than other one w/o magnetic holder - $5.
Mini-Jet pump - $5 for both.
Maxi-Jet powerhead - $5 each. There are two.
Aquarium Scraper - $5 Acrylic Safe.
36" and 24" - Appears to be new - $10 each.
Red Sea AquaZone Plus 200 - $200.
Ultralife Reef Products 360 Mg Ultra Zone - $150.

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Last edited:
Aquarium scraper sold.

Price reduced:

Red Sea AquaZone Plus 200 - $140.
Ultralife Reef Products 360 Mg Ultra Zone - $100.
if the deal falls through with the frag holders and maxi jets, I'll take those plus the MH pendant and Koralia 1.
1 MaxiJet sold.

1 without back cover is still for sale. I stuck my finger in the water and it did not shock me.
Updated with status and new prices.

Eshopps Sump: 24 x 12 x 16 - $40. - Pending Pick-up
HOB Filters - $5 each. - One left
48" Sunlight Supply Ready-Fit Light w Reflectors - $50 each. Two for $90 - New Price
60" Sunlight Supply Ready-Fit Light w Reflectors - $70 each. Two for $120 - New Price
ATI Ca Reactor missing several plastic screw on top - $80.
MH 12 x 12 Pendants w/ IceCap Ballasts and used bulbs included - $100 each set. There are two sets.
Hurricane Category 5 Air Pump - $30 each. There are two.
Mini-Jet pump - $5 for both.
24" - Appears to be new - $10.
Red Sea AquaZone Plus 200 - $140.
Ultralife Reef Products 360 Mg Ultra Zone - $100.