Price Changes, Items added
Price Changes, Items added
Ok, Still have a lot of stuff to move, here are some price drops and new things for sale:
120 Oceanic Tech Tank with stand (not tech stand, standard pine). The tank has a couple scratches but still looks great. The overflow plumbing is included. - $400
Eshopps RS300 sump *Brand New (Includes 5 new filter socks) - $200
Oceanic 40 breeder sump - $30
(2) MP40WES, Manf. date of May 4, 2011 - $200 Each
Apex- Standard setup with no PH probe. - $350
Super Reef Octopus SRO-XP3000INT skimmer: $350
AI Sol with "New Controller" (previous version) - $150
NUVO 16 with return pumps, heater, LEDs, and IM skimmer - $200