Fungus on Button Polyp

I had some fungus like that on some Z's before, I cut out the severely infected pieces and what looked somewhat healthy, I dipped in 10% peroxide/90% saltwater. 1/2 were saved while 1/2 of the cut pieces that weren't healthy didn't last. the healthier pieces survived for me after the dips.
I have done four dips in a week without cutting off any damages peices(they kinda broke off on their own).
After last dip I separated the colonies, the fungus has stopped spreading much so I guess I ll cut the infected polyps and dip them again in H2O2.
And if it didn't worked then I ll probably throw out the polyps and buy a new colony.Its quite cheap here.
I've got the same fungus issue. It's slowly spread over the last few days and I wasn't sure what it was at first, being just a lighter colored area of the colony mat. Now it's obvious, by its hairy appearance, that it's fungus. I've searched all over this forum for a solution and they run the gambit of medical dips, washing, scrubbing or scrapping the whole colony.

Based on all of this, I've decided to rinse in tap water, remove dead polyps, cut off infected mat and treat with Pimafix and Melafix. Does anyone disagree with this treatment?

Here are pics:


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I have tried H2O2 dips and it work best when the infected part was cutted off.
Other then that nothing worked.and if anything worked they killed off the polyps too.
I stopped by one of my LFS today and picked up Kordon Rid Fungus and Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Melafix Marine. I had gone in with the intention of buying AP’s Pimafix. But, in reading the labels of the various available products, Pimafix did not specify if it was reef-safe or not. Melafix Marine and Rid Fungus did. Also, research shows that Pimafix and Melafix are really just for minor outbreaks, which this is not.

So, my plan is to treat with Rid Fungus every day until 3-4 days after visible evidence is gone, followed by a 20% water change, then a 7 day treatment of Melafix Marine and finally a 25% water change.

Pictures will help document the success of this remedy. I took some pics but they looked the same as yesterday’s pics. But, here’s a nice one taken through the top water surface.

I'm happy to report that I have successfully killed the fungus AND 30% of the polyps are open and happy. Also, many small polyps that were previously covered by fungus are now open as well.

7 treatments of Kordon Rid Fungus did the job and I'm hoping the Melafix Marine will help the polyp mat grow and reproduce rapidly.

You can read more in my blog: