funky id please

Pics in thread...



Well, not necessarily that large, large enough in captivity but a foot across is a pretty spectacular mushroom. 8cm is reported in literature. I did some digging for you. There is no question in my mind that you have a Rhodactis. Since you made me aware of the size being an important factor I will throw two more names at you. Meandrina and Mussoides. The photo you present doesn't quite look anything like a Mussoides. The bottom photo looks very much like a Rhodastoma. Except for the size you mention they could be twins in that photo. If you have access to The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium volumne 2 by Fossa and Nilsen page 304 they have almost a dead ringer for your bottom pic. But, there are many unamed variants all lumped under Rhodactis Sp. That identification could possibly be sufficient. Yours has some very luminous green thats very striking in the first and last photo. Indosinensis is supposed to vary greatly and is listed up to 8 inches. Maybe you have a guiness book of world records version of a known variety.
