Fusion 10....finally.


New member
Picked up a fusion 10 a couple weeks ago. Got some rock from a friend, today went to faois and grabbed some water and sand, finally a running tank.
Tank has been running for 3 weeks. Got the light in today. Test came back with ammonia, nitrite and nitrate zeroed out. I've been dosing microbe-lift bacteria ( holy smoke this stuff stinks but it has good reviews) might start adding some stuff soon.
It's called an lumini asta 20, $55 w/free shipping on Amazon, comes with the gooseneck, it's also controlled with an included remote.
I love my IM 10. This will be its third year running. Went from a fully mixed reef to my nem tank. Does that light have a full spectrum?
I'll have to look at the exact specs, I know it has rb, cool blue, then whites that appear to be neutral whites and maybe some cool whites. Picked up a frogspawn the other day from a&r aquariums, great place by the way, also picked up an orchid dottyback that is absolutely gorgeous but still quite shy, I've seen it a few times but darts for the rocks when it sees me, I'm probably just that hideous lol.
Thanks Manny, pretty excited about it. I need to upgrade the return this weekend because the stock pump is junk, I'd like to avoid a powerhead in the tank so hopefully a sicce 1.0 and a spinstream will be enough flow.
Oh yeah. I agree. You don't want a wave maker inside a small tank. It will look weird. Good luck buddy. I hope to get mine started soon and hopefully be able to get corals in before the end the year.
Replaced the stock with a tunze 1073.008, what a world of difference. The spinstream is still too noisy for my liking so I'm just going to go with a random flow nozzle by vivid aquatics, might also pickup a small powerhead for the back of the tank, depending on how the nozzle does.
Kinda been just letting the tank do it's thing, currently have an orchid dottyback and sixline wrasse. I also have a few pieces of coral in it, a single head of frogspawn, a Duncan and some cool green and white stripped chalice, also a handful of snails and hermit crabs, the dottyback still isn't very social and is rarely seen, unless the sixline starts snooping around his cave. . I also removed all the sand, because I hate sand and I'm not sure why I even put it in there in the first place.
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Very nice. I am sure those will take over their respective rocks in no time. I had one that grew 3 times the original size in less than 6 months. They do look beautiful.