Fusion 10....finally.

Picked up an PrimeHD last night, I absolutely love the way it looks. Now I just need to pickup an ATO and a different power head.
That looks awesome. I love the clam. I don't know how you do it in a 10 gallon tank, but great work.
Thanks everyone, tank seems to be doing well, I know I've still got a ways to go and acros can turn bad quick but, a few of the ones I've had in the tank for a couple weeks have started encrusting on the rocks, so atleast I'm moving in the right direction.
Got the 20g up and running, glad I went with a 2nd prime. I went ahead and just stuck with the Tunze pump, it should be plenty of turnover, especially with the flow with the powerhead. Now the tank looks really empty.
Hey dude. How is the clam doing? I saw one today for like $40.00 and it looked amazing, but I feel my tank is too new.
Just wanted to do a little update, tank seems to be doing amazing all the acros with the exception of one are encrusting on the rocks and showing some growth, the tiny plate coral I picked up on black Friday is doing amazing, and looks like it might be popping another baby plate coral, the clam is doing well, also the chalices have really settled in and have started taking off nicely.
