FYI - Widespread South Florida Power Outages


Premium Member
FYI for those of you at work who may not have heard the news.

Florida Power & Light is reporting massive power outages throughout South Florida, including Miami, Doral, Westchester, and Pembroke Pines. Reports of outages extended into Palm Beach, and across the state of Florida.

I just got home from errands and we were lucky. No outage near New River Middle School.:celeb1:
Yeah, I am stressing here at work. I was planning on installing my battery backup for my vortech this weekend. Just my luck!!
My house in Orlando is out though work (15 miles to the west) isn't :sad1:

Yea, Miami and up in Voluisha seem the worst affected
Yea I saw on TV about the nuclear reactor. I'd rather lose power for a few hours than worse things, if you know what I mean.

Oh well. I just wish those who do not have power luck, and wish their tanks luck.
I see it as a good reminder for us all about battery backups, battery powered airstones, generators, and general emergency planning.
A word to the wise.
I had to take off from work in North Ft. Lauderdale and rush home to my tank in Miami beach, My power went out from 12 noon to 5:30 and I didn't have a backup. Rushed from work to home depot to buy a tractor battery and a power inverter just to have something going. So at least I had my primary pump going. Tank was off for maybe 2+ hours but all my fish are doing fine. My generator isn't doing me much good at the Keys house.
I was in Weston talking to my wife on the phone in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. She went "whoa" just as I saw the lights dim so I knew it was big. Luckily neither one of us was in an area that lost power, just a blink. When I got home everything was fine with the tanks.
I will tell you guys this much... The reactor was not the cause of the outage.. I am a network engineer for FPL but the Fibernet division not utility.. The reactor did an auto shutdown due to the outage so the possibility of no backfeed would occur into the plant. This hopefully won't happen again and they are already addressing the issue. Take care everyone.
Ours was out here in Oakland Park for a couple of hours. My biggest concern was that I had just topped off the tank and thought my hang on refugium would dump so much water into the tank that it would at least get a capillary leak. Luckily we had gotten back into town late Monday night and Randy had taken the day off. He said the tank was not overflowing at all and that my little battery powered bubbler was bubbling away. It's a little $15 job that plugs into an outlet and when the power goes out runs off of it's two D cell batteries. It's the only backup I have at the moment, but just may save my tank at some point. I am working on some sort of battery backup that will keep the refugium flow going from the Rio 600 if it goes out in the future. Just reminds us that we need to have those "hurricane plans" in place!
Or maybe we should start demanding that FPL start dropping their rates if their quality of service continues to drop... ;)

I remember when I moved to Davie, we almost never had an outage, and the bill was half what it is now. Now that we're paying twice what it was, the power goes out at least 3 times per week. Usually only for a couple of minutes, but I have one of those clocks that remembers the time, but it forgets to count when the power is off. So all I have to do is look how far off the time is, and I can tell how long the power was off. At least twice a month, it goes out for an hour or more.
The existing power plants are probably overloaded...and that has most likely happened in the time that you mentioned Chris. They built so much so fast here in South Florida that our roads and everything else are stressed.