Here is a summary of what we've been doing since my last post.
I bought more 100 Lbs of rock and put inside the tank.
We hired a pumbler to install the utility sink. For our luck the pipe was exactly behind the wall I wanted to install the sink, as suspected, since there is a bathroom behind this wall. The plumber, however, made a "dirty" job: he cut an opening on the wall but said that I would need to hire a handyman to close the wall. Bastard! Justin is really handy and was able to fix this mess. Below you can see below the sink after Justin closed the hole and then after I sanded and painted the patch.
Here is the utility sink installed:
I also installed a new light fixture on the ceiling above the sump and one above the sink, so my fish room is now bright all the times.
After installing the sink we prepared salt water and filled the whole system. This process took around a week. After filling the display tank, the water was completely "milky". After three days it was still like this, so I put some Kent ProClear, installed a "sock" in the sump on the water output from the display tank and next day the water was clear again.
Lesson learned: rinse your sand before putting it in your tank!
We connected the R.O. unit to the water line (from below the sink) and the R.O. waste line to the sewer line (also below the sink). We also connected a pipe to the sewer line for when we want to empty the system or make water changes.
Below you can see some specific details from the system that are already fully functional.
R.O. and auto top-off system:
Justin created a bracket in acrylic for the pH sensors and auto top-off unit, which are placed inside the sump:
Here is the overflow output from the display tank in the sump, notice the sock for cleaning the water and also part of the refugium.
There are still lots of stuff to do. Right now the tank is cycling, Justin suggested me to drop some table shrimp to start bacteria growth, I also bought some bacteria vials to get this going. Electrical part inside the fish room needs to be completed to get the dosing pumps and lights on the frag tank running.