Gas Shortage


New member
Get to the pumps fast fellow reefers!

gas is going up to as much as $6.00 per gallon in increments of 20 cents per gallon per hour until days end.

No More gas deliveries will be made in the south until further notice so get it while you can.
thanks for the info,i went to fill up & they were around the block at kroger,at $3.69 a gallon,my car didnt know how to act on full,
I paid 3.79 in Jackson and it was 3.84 an hour later. I heard one place in Milan was 5.02 and in Savannah 5.07. Hope it goes down before the frag swap or many may not attend!!
It has already gone up 40 cents a gallon here where I am.

It's fine that they can have record breaking sales every quarter but when that is jeopardized just a little..even a possibility of it, wham! up goes the price.

Whoa !! I work for the largest oil company in the world and though they are not causing this, they are certainly not doing anything to bring the price down. I suggest all of you, that spend so much time on this hobby, start dedicating a portion of that time, contacting the CEO's , your senators and representatives, and tell them you have had enough. Oil companies are making outragous profits, treat their employees like crap, and are not spending any of their profit to get us out of this. Think about it, why should they ? There is no shortage, they are supplying all the fuel we need, and they would cut there own throat by advancing anything to bring prices down. The speculators are righ there with them. They are all making tons of money and in teh process, wrecking the US economy. Take a look at the insider trading and see who is profiting. Its the big wigs. Steve Simon and Rex Tillerson, 2 of the top EXXON MOBIL guys are making millions on monthly options they are exercising. Do you think they feel our pain ? Reminds me of our polititians who are too far removed from teh average Joe to understand. All the complaints here will do no good!!! Call every official and every CEO you can find. It will take a massive public outcry to reverse this.
hell if everyone in the country didnt buy any gas for 1 day it would put a hurting on them, the gas companys cause the increase by raising the cost of oil due to a storm to cover any damage to the oil platforms then they double collect on the damage from thier insurance companys. hell the oil prices havent made a huge jump since katrina and they are still making massive profits off that, hell gas was under $2 a gal before katrina hit and the prices never fell they just kept climbing i guess the term for it is gouging, just because a storm is on its way shouldnt mean the prices should rise as much profit as these oil companys make with a full tank in my car it will last me a month so the oil co's can K M A !!!!
Dzones, please tell us where you got your specific information?

Otherwise you're just yelling fire in a crowded theater!
I got a phone call early this morning from my friend who works at the USPS. He takes care of all the vehicles there and received a fax from their superiors in whatever gov't office takes care of that stuff.
He told me to expect prices upwards of 6 per gallon and all gas deliveries to the southern US were to be halted until further notice. He was told to fill all the vehicles and the reserve tanks immediatley.

I assume it is due to ike. If you look over on CNN's website they confirm this. My friend in AR said their prices are at 4.69 (normally about the same as our price) a gallon and several stations have huge lines, some requiring police help to control the people. some are only allowing 10g per car even.
And the governor of Arkansas has issued a mandate that they will prosecute price gougers to the fullest extent of the law and to document any "suspected gouging" by sending photos of the posted price and the address of the location via cell phone or e-mail to there website and they would immediatly investigate!!

Regretfully there is "speculating occuring" in the possibillity that the major refineries and/or oil rigs will suffer major losses.

We do see prices jump before every Hurricane that hits the Gulf, we forget that prices were on ther way down but then jumped 20 cents for this same reason (though only a tropical storm) that hit the texas coast a few weeks ago.

I sent an e-mail to all of my employees 3 days befiore that increase encouraging them to fill up then, and I did the same on Monday of this week.

Timing is parallel Sept -11 7 years ago. Gas stations 2 blocks from my home here wnet to $4.00 a gallon for one day because of that "disaster" . It is a terrible shame what some will do in the name of "profit"!!!
At one station in Lexington, it is 4.17 highest I've seen. When are people gonna wake up and stop driving gas guzzling vehicles. This is only a preveiw of what is to come and the crazy mo fo's in washington want to destroy what is left of our planet to try and squeeze a little more black death out the ground. OIL will run out. there should be no doubt about this!
Me and my fiance bought fuel efficent vehicles this year specificly because of this and I still feel bad cause I have to drive so far to work. Why can't people just stop buying SUV's. We may never see this come to fruition but my daughter may, or at least I hope so.

I say Don't drill here now or ever!

Anyone have a diesel burnig VK rabbit by chance?
mass hysteria is the devil.....

i was just in memphis and went to 2 places that were bone dry and out of gas.

come on people, you remember 9-11-01, right. remember the rush on the gas? and the gas was still there the day after.... it will be there tomorrow as well.

don't buy into the silliness.
and to anyone still driving a goofball monster of a suv.......please, stop it. no one is impressed with your big truck. not at all. just give it up and buy a little car. please. just get to work and the store, don't worry about the status symbol.......cause you look like a moron.
I have a Ford Escape 2006 which gets 22 miles per gallon city. Six months after I bought it they started selling the Escape hybrid, gggrrrrrr! Anyway, it's been sitting in the garage collecting dust for 3 months now, except on rainy days. Lettie and I are now getting 75 mpg on 2 wheels, a 150 cc scooter and a 250 cc motorcycle. And having more fun commuting than ever before!
there you go. just watch out for the crazies. i see a lot of scooter and motorcycle injuries at the hospital.

i just wish we had better public transport. did you know that jackson had cable cars in the early 1900's? detroit bought up tons of cable and eletric bus systems in the 40's and 50' people would buy cars........


there are so many answers to this problem and a lot of them are not so far fetched as a fuel cell or water driver cars.....

public transport!!!!!
The problem with PT is the bus drivers religously floor the gas pedal everywhere they go which wastes hundreds of thousands of gallons of gas a month/year. The only way it can be a true benefit is if the PT owners realize the driving habits of the bus drivers are ridiculous and put a stop the pedal flooring and also staying on the gas until 50 feet before a stop and slamming down the brake.
Sorry, But I want to see the price of gas RISE. Yes I said that correctly. I want to see it get to $10 gallon or high enough where Americans will quit taking this crap.

We need to demand a hydrogen infrastructure from our polititians. GE, Honda, BMW and Toyota all have hydrogen vehicles on the road now. All it takes to make hydrogen is water and electricity. Honda even has a home unit where the people in Japan can make their own.... hmmm some fuel for thought...
yeah, but call me crazy. I think that hydrogen/water....can only be a real good thing unless it can be obtained from waste type recycled fresh. Unless we want further desalinization of the oceans and sea. Otherwise we could see global climate change worsen.
ill do the scooter thing when the cars and trucks get off the road, no way you can win on a 300 pound machine vers a 3,000!
I think we need to get some of our wise "reefers" to develop a car that will run on Saltwater from our "water changes".

That way we could all get larger aquariums, and do water changes more often in order to supply our cars!!!!

The more we drove the larger the aquarium that we would"NEED" to get in order to keep us in our fuel!!!