Gemini's 7.5g Cube

gemini aquarius(t)

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Things are still recovering from a crazy alkalinity issue (16.9 at one point!) so I hope everything continues to improve in color and health, but this is where its at right now.
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sweet tank. makes me miss mine.
Do you have any pictures of your old tank? I think I remember seeing pictures of it a while back.

Looking good :thumbsup:

Thank you kind sir!

Nice aquascape!

Thanks! I was pretty excited when I found those rocks that fit just barely in the tank. Im always tempted to reaquascape though to get less surface area touching the sand. There is quite a bit of detritus buildup from it, that has been getting on my nerves.

Nice tank!!!

Thank you for the kind words! I appreciate it.
Nice addition. Yea here's my build thread. I'll have to throw on a few more pics that I didn't add to this one for some reason. Lol I've got anothertank running. Should be on the nano section call budget build nuvo check it out if you've got a few mins.

Tank looks great.
Here are some more recent pictures of the LTA. Im really hoping the clowns host it, although its not a natural host. Fingers crossed cause I think it would look pretty sweet if they do.

Nice addition. Yea here's my build thread. I'll have to throw on a few more pics that I didn't add to this one for some reason. Lol I've got anothertank running. Should be on the nano section call budget build nuvo check it out if you've got a few mins.

Tank looks great.

Thanks! I will go check it out now. You didnt give me the link but I will go find it
The anemone starting moving last night and stung a bunch of stuff including my plate coral. So he went back to the store, and I got 3 hermits, 2 Astrea snails, and a peppermint shrimp to make up for it. Hopefully they will handle some of the HA I'm starting to get.

I will probably try again when I have the tank a bit more dialed in, and probably go with a RBTA this time around
dang that sucks. i feel your pain kinda. the frogspawn and rbta don't like the rw4. guess its to much water flow so when its on those are all ****ed off.
dang that sucks. i feel your pain kinda. the frogspawn and rbta don't like the rw4. guess its to much water flow so when its on those are all ****ed off.
Yeah, Im adding another koralia nano 240 when I get a chance also, so if he is moving already, then I don't want to test it with another powerhead/change of flow pattern.

sorry to hear about the corals not liking it, can you aim it up against glass so its more dispersed?

You could try chemi pure too. Had hair and cyano and that cured it pretty quick.

Im running the chemipure blue, I got it at the frag swap and I think its keeping a lot of the parameters in check but that anemone was throwing out a huge bioload, so i think it was just a little too much. We will see what happens over the course of a week.

I did a 2.5 gallon water change last night also, and things were looking much better

I moved a lot of stuff around. I got a peppermint shrimp and he ate the brown plate, and then started to eat the green one. I saved the green one, and put it in my new 9 gallon. Luckily it recovered fully and is doing well in there. Really bummed about the brown one.

I bought an aqua clear 70 with a custom surface skimmer, that will be more powerful and take up less room than the one I am using now.

Also, I decided that I really like the aquascape from the side angle and is being cut off from the wall in my room, so when the new filter gets here, I am going to take everything out, rotate it 90 degrees and set it back it. Hopefully it will go smoothly considering its only two pieces of rock, but we all know how that goes.
Picked these up from a friend who had forgotten about them. I have always had a soft spot for NPS, and even more so for rescue corals... so there was no way I was leaving without them.
I will keep this updated, but I just got them on Friday.. today is Monday (for the future users, and I, who won't remember how long it has been)

Step one was finding room for them in my nanos. But I decided to keep them together for now in this tank


Wish me luck!