Genus Speices????

logan 12

New member
Trying to find out both the genus and species of this mushroom that I have. I just want to know for myself. I have been looking a bit on the net and in some books that I have, but am unable at this time to correctly identify exactly what these are. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

I hate identifying from pictures that aren't clear and aren't properly colored, but it looks like a Rhodactis sp. of some sort to me. Maybe inchoata, the Tonga Blue.

But then, it could be a bubble mushroom, discosoma something.

Not sure what you are saying there The point of this thread was to try and identify the species of mushroom, scientific name genus species. Sorry that I took the picture with a point and shoot, and tried to get the colors as close to what they really are, it’s not too far off. I think the smart thing would be to post a picture of true color for identification, correct?? (that’s what I am doing) Why the heck would I manipulate the coral color if I am trying to find out genus species? I would also say the picture is in focus, but that’s me. I can try and take a picture with my slr but don’t have a macro lens so it won’t be too close of a picture, so it may be worthless in that the point is to correctly identify the species at hand.