geo cal rx for a 210 gallon


Rimless Reef Club
im in the stages of upgrading a 125 to a 210 gallon tank. i was looking at geo reactors and was wondering which reactor would be best for this sized tank. we dont have many sps yet due to lighting but now that we have better lighting we are going to start to get alot more of them. also what eles do you need to make the reactor run? thanks alot
I would take a look at the 618. I think the 612 would be enough for you, but the 618 would give you a little room to upgrade in the future if you decided to do so.

Other than the reactor itself you will also need:

Feed Pump (MJ1200 works perfectly)
CO2 Tank
Media (I prefer the larger Gen-X media)
Regulator (the Reeffanatic is the best out there)
PH Controller (this is up to you if you prefer to use or not, but it takes 50% of the guess work out of setting your reactor up).

Please let us know if you have any other questions.

i have a dart return pump so i thought about t-ing it off to feed the reactor and a ball valve for the recommended flow. i was planning on getting a ph controller but what one do you think is best.
T'ing off of the Dart pump would be just fine to run it, just make sure you valve it so you can cut the flow way down.

For a ph controller I would recommend either the Pinpoint or the Reeffanatic. However, you could spend another $70 or so and just get a Neptune Aquacontroller Jr and be able to control a lot more.
for this size tank would the aquacontroller jr even be worth it? i was looking at the proflux controler but controllers just don't seem worth it. maby if you could explain why there worth it i would look into getting one
i noticed you have the aquatronica controler at a great price. how dose that controller work?. say i want 2 ph probs 1 to control the reactor and 1 to measure the tank? how dose that work. also how dose the power bar connect to the controler? also if i want to hook it up to a computer do they have anyway to access it via the internet or i saw they have a usb hub comming soon? thanks alot and please give me any information you can on this.
The Jr would also let you control all of your lighting, ph going into your reactor, a chiller if need be and/or a heater. You can also control any other pumps or equipment that plug in. If you are looking for an all in one solution to control these things, that's why I recommended a Junior over the standard ph controller, as the price difference is not all that great.

The Aquatronica's were a test run for us, and they just didn't sell that well so we discontinued them. Unfortunately we can not get any other equipment to go with them, so they would be as is as far as the options go. You could however pick up the extra probes or anything else you need from an Aquatronica dealer.

well we have solaris lighting so i wouldn't control that and no chiller but the monitoring via internet is what im most interested in. ill let you know