Geo Reactor


Premium Member

It's Scott again still haven't got my reactor set the way I want it. My Parameters are:
Tank PH =8

These are pretty good but I would like to get the alk and CA down a little.

My BPM=20
My drip=50lm/min.

Help me understand what does what

I'd like the cal @ 420ppm and alk about 9-10

Hi Scott,

I would try and lower your BPM to about 15 if possible, and then your drip down to about 35ml/min. The only thing I would be leary about is getting your bpm down that low and holding. This is where a ph controller is extremely handy, as your don't have to completely fine tune your regulator. Of course, that does tack on a bit more to the cost of the whole calcium reactor setup. HTH