George's 100gallon build thread


New member
After 3 long years out of the hobby I'm excited to be setting up a new tank.

Tank dimensions are 38" x 28" x 22" which puts it about 100 gallons.

Sump is a 40 gallon breeder with a refugium.

Return pump is a Deepwater DC7

Skimmer is a Bubble Magus Curve 7

Powerhead is a Jebao RW8

Pictures to come.....
Yes, lots of real estate indeed!

I'm having trouble uploading the pics. Upload keeps failing. I remember having this problem in the past but don't remember the solution.
I like those dimensions. Custom tank? Looks like your off to a good start. You going to run T5s again?
I bought 100 lbs of dry Fiji rock from BRS and used a table and a cardboard template of the tank. I tried to use the rule of thirds to assemble the aquascape.


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I used Jurassic gel from BRS to glue the rocks together. It took a while to dry but held well.


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I washed the sand and added it to the tank first. I went with Fiji Pink. Then I carefully transfered the rocks to the tank.


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