get together


New member
Anyone interested in getting together, having a few beers and talking about tanks? Also, I have quite a few pieces in my tank I am willing to frag for anyone interested. Available now are mushrooms, zoos and some soft coral that I haven't identified. Take a look at Dastanks pics for the ones I gave him.
Here's a few of the things jeffb3t has over running his tank. You should see it, the zoos and shrooms look like carpet! He even has zoos growing on a snail!




As soon as mine grow a little more I'm willing to share also!

Here's some of my zoos



Those are really nice pics. I was wondering if anyone has had substantial growth with their zoos? I have a couple of big pieces of zoos and look forward to them spreading. However, I have no idea how long the process takes to start and I am anxious to know.
Okifish, Substantial growth is an understatement with my zoos. They are taking over. It took a good 6 months before they really started growing but now after a year and a half, they are really becoming a problem. As far as a get together, we all can meet up at my place in Yomitan. I am about 5 minutes from torii station. Oh and bring some ziplock baggies so I can send everyone home with a frag or two.
I would like some zoos and shrooms. how does today or tomorrow look (Apr 11 & 12)? I dont have any frags to trade, but name what you want and I'll probablt be able to accomodate. Thanks, this club is really working out! If its cool, I'll bring okifish with me....
okinawafish, I've had my zoos for about a month and they are obviously spreading. I had a few single polyps that I attached to LR and now there are three. At first it didn't seem like much was happening, but now their taking off.

For example:



Has changed to this

jasalmanza, Weekends are better for me. (that way, If I drink too much I don't have to worry about work the next day.) As far as some shrooms and zoos, No need to trade as you will see why when you see my tank. I have plenty to go around for all. How does saturday night sound for everyone?

Dastank, How goes it? Are you TDY again? Went to look for you at work but didn't see you.
I would like to swing in, but I had knee surgery today so stickin around might be out of the question. Might have to bring the wife along as well. Im sure I will be ready to get out of the house by friday night!
Alright then, Let's shoot for friday night then? What time is goot for everyone? Remember to bring a ziplock bag or two so I can send everyone home with a frag.
Best place to meet would be at the shopette on Torii I suppose and then everyone can follow me to my place. We can also choose our flavor of beer and chips. How does 7 sound?
Hey Jason if you work it out with Jeff and there is something that you really wanted to get from him I can pick it up for you and keep it in my tank. Just a thought. I'm sure you would rather meet in person but with everyone's crazy schedules it's kinda hard. Take it easy...Josh
Yeah, Jason, take a look at the pics of zoos, shrooms and the pink bushy coral I gave Dastank. Let me know what you want and i will save a piece or two for you. Once I feel comforable with fragging, I have a very nice gongora that is ripe for the picking. I just haven't had the heart to do it just yet. that and it is very tempermental and only does well in a well established tank. I had a hell of a time with it the first year my tank was up but now it seems to do very well.
Gargonia's are really nice...where did you manage to find that at? Is it red? I would like to get one in a few more months after my new skimmer gets here.