Getting back in--- deep

Good News Bad News

Good News Bad News

Good news:

New pump housing and mag-drive for the wavemaker came in. Got both of those installed and got the wavemaker running on the tank again.

Bad News:

Found out a small leak I had in my wavemaker plumbing was due to ta fitting that didn't get glued somehow... It let loose while I was working on the tank and started pumping water all over the garage floor at roughly 3000 gph.

Here's a video of the wavemaker being tested prior to the fitting letting loose.

The offending fitting

Water all over the garage
I got everything glued back up and working again. No more leaks.

I went ahead and turned off the chiller. I found out yesterday that with it over 90 degrees outside, the chiller can't cool the tank off. It's not really an issue in the long run as we don't let our house get that hot.

I also fixed my code that was keeping the pH calibration from working correctly. Found out there's a difference between eeprom.write and eeprom.put :/ The pH is now accurately being measured (at least technically it is). I still want to grab some of my pool pH test stuff and see how the probes compare to chemical testing.

I used the same calibration fluid when calibrating the two probes. This caused the 4.0 test on the second probe to be slightly skewed. I'll have to remember to use fresh packets of test liquid for each probe when doing the final calibration once it's all in the house. I also used tap water for rinsing instead of RO/DI, so yet another skew there probably. It's just testing, so having the values be a little off isn't that big of a deal right now. It's the fact the calibration values are storing correctly into EEPROM for after power outages that matters.
It's amazing how much life can get in the way of hobbies.

I was able to get part of the canopy built last week, and I got the relay for the lights installed into the canopy. I still need to finish skinning the other 3 sides of the canopy, but then it will be done. I want to mount it to the wall in the garage to make sure the TV mount I bought will be able to support the canopy with the lights. I was able to pick the light up by the mount and it didn't feel like it was going to bend/break. There is definitely a lot of weight cantilevered out on the end of the mount.

I got 0 work done on the tank over the weekend. I did finally remember that the cable management stuff I want is at Fry's, so I'll try to run over there during lunch one day this week.

I did buy some metal brackets for mounting the controller to the stand.

I still need to mount the float switches and pH monitors.

Lastly, I need to build or buy some type of ATO reservoir. I have a peculiar space that is 9wx24lx14h to put it. I'll probably go hunting for that this weekend. I think it would be about $60 for me to buy acrylic to build one.

Once that is all done, I'll let it run for a week again, and then I'll start tearing things down and painting the stand, plumbing, etc.
This weekend started off good, but went bad quickly.

I finally got most of the float switches mounted, got the controller mounted, and figured out how to mount the pH probe on the CA reactor...

and then things went south.

I went to mount the pH probe on the CA reactor and found out the pvc pipe coming out the bottom was loose. When I went to fix it, the reactor chamber cracked... bad.

I also found out the on/off switch for the co2 container is broken.

Now I'm debating if the CA reactor is worth it, or if I want to just do 2-part dosing for a while. I can modify the code to run 2 dosing pumps on two of the relays that were being used on the CA reactor.

Any opinions?
Much better progress today.

I got the rest of the float switches mounted and finished wiring up the electrical.

I'm going to let the controller run until next weekend and then I'll drain the tank and take everything apart. Once apart I will paint the stand and the back of the tank.

The only thing left is building a platform for the water storage and finish the canopy. I'm hoping i can get that finished next weekend too. Then it will be time to bring the tank into the house and start setting it all back up again.
I didn't have a lot of time over the weekend, but I did get the booster pump for the RODI mounted. I also installed a better electrical box in the 'outhouse' where the RODI and the pool cleaner lives. I didn't like the fact all I really had in there was the end of an extension cord that I plugged stuff in to, so I cut the end off and wired up two switches with outlets and mounted it all in a waterproof enclosure.

With the booster pump on, I'm getting about 90psi to the RO membrane and it's producing much more water now.

The hope for this weekend is to get the water storage shed built. I'm thinking about building a 4'x8' shed that's about a foot taller than the storage containers. I'll put hinges on the roof and two doors on the front so I can open the whole thing up. This should give me enough room for all 4 storage containers and hopefully for the pool cleaner too. We'll see.
Building the canopy

Building the canopy

I decided not to use the TV stand to hang the canopy on the wall. After some testing, I didn't like how much weight was levered out over the top of the tank. The TV stand might have worked on a rectangle tank where I could use two of them, but one just wasn't enough for my taste.

I spent a few hours knocking together a basic canopy. I need to get another sheet of plywood and some hinges to finish it up, but here it is without the reflector on it. The canopy is mostly open to the top except for where the lights are, so I shouldn't have any issues with the canopy causing too much heat into the tank.

The little double relay in the back of the canopy is for the arduino controlled lights. I'm using a standard network cable to send the signal, 5v and GND up to the relay, so the lights will have two cables going up to it... power and networking.

We have paint!

I managed to get all of the wooden bits painted over the weekend. I also got the stand primed and one can of paint on it. I only bought one can of color because I wasn't sure if it was what I wanted. I went back to get more and they were out. I didn't bother driving to other stores (not enough time). I'll have to finish painting it throughout this week.

I still need to finish the canopy and paint the controller case. I also still need to build a frame for the water storage to go on. I'm hoping to finish painting the stand this week and get it all moved into the house this weekend.

Getting back in--- deep

Oh ok. I bought the dct12000 return pump for my 150 build and thought after seeing this, that I was in for a typhoon of a surprise lol

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I'm sorry, but I don't. I'm going through 3 90* and 1 45* elbow to get to the tank.

I'm also T-ing off of the return line with two ball valves to send water to all the equipment.

I'm using a 1.5" beananimal overflow setup and my primary siphon is only slightly closed down to maintain the siphon... You might be able to calculate return flow based on that.